family tries to screw you out of money that you obtained for them what type of lawyer do you need?

by Lilly Lowe 9 min read

How do I get a restraining order against a family member?

You can file for one at the Court House yourself, just fill out the form. Some judges will make it so they are not allowed to come within 10 feet of you. Have a boundary.

Can a family member prepare a fake will for You?

In some cases, a family member or advisor might prepare a fake will or a fake amendment to a real will, giving the forger a bigger slice of the inheritance pie. For instance, imagine a parent who leaves most of his estate to a disabled child who cannot take care of herself.

Should I consult a lawyer before making any financial decisions?

Please note: This is general information and is not intended to be legal advice. You should consult with your own financial advisor before making any major financial decisions, including investments or changes to your portfolio, and a qualified legal professional before executing any legal documents or taking any legal action.

Do family members say things off the cuff?

Some family members may say things off the cuff and think that because these things were said casually, they don’t hurt the other person. The truth is that such words hurt, however they are said.

Can I sue my sister for stealing my inheritance?

Legal Action Against Family However, you can request legal action if you suspect theft or have evidence that your brother or sister has stolen your inheritance or assets. Though it is uncommon for our clients to jail their siblings, it is an option.

Can someone take your inheritance?

Inheritance can be stolen by an executor, administrator, or a beneficiary, such as a sibling. It can also be stolen by someone who is not a family member, or a person completely unrelated to the estate.

What is unethical for a lawyer?

Attorney misconduct may include: conflict of interest, overbilling, refusing to represent a client for political or professional motives, false or misleading statements, knowingly accepting worthless lawsuits, hiding evidence, abandoning a client, failing to disclose all relevant facts, arguing a position while ...

What is the most common complaint against lawyers?

Perhaps the most common kinds of complaints against lawyers involve delay or neglect. This doesn't mean that occasionally you've had to wait for a phone call to be returned. It means there has been a pattern of the lawyer's failing to respond or to take action over a period of months.

How do you deal with greedy siblings?

To deal with greedy siblings:Cultivate empathy for them and try to understand their motives. ... Let them speak their peace, even if you disagree.Be understanding and kind to the best of your ability.Take time to think about your response to them if you feel overwhelmed or triggered.More items...

How do you fight for inheritance?

Here are five legal tips to consider if you're fighting over an estate.Read the documents carefully. ... Know your state's inheritance laws. ... Consider out-of-court settlements. ... Look for outside evidence of the deceased's wishes. ... Hire an attorney.

What happens when ethics are violated?

The range of penalties includes censure, removal from office, permanent disqualification from holding any state position, restitution, decades in prison, and fines up into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not all ethics violations are treated equally.

How do you know a bad lawyer?

Signs of a Bad LawyerBad Communicators. Communication is normal to have questions about your case. ... Not Upfront and Honest About Billing. Your attorney needs to make money, and billing for their services is how they earn a living. ... Not Confident. ... Unprofessional. ... Not Empathetic or Compassionate to Your Needs. ... Disrespectful.

What is considered an ethics violation?

What is an ethical violation? In a nutshell, an ethical violation is something that is - spoken, written, actioned - that violates a company's documented code of ethics, mission, vision, values, and culture. We also know that ethical violations laugh in the face of what is considered normal societal behaviour.

What is it called when a lawyer doesn't do his job?

Legal malpractice is a type of negligence in which a lawyer does harm to his or her client. Typically, this concerns lawyers acting in their own interests, lawyers breaching their contract with the client, and, one of the most common cases of legal malpractice, is when lawyers fail to act on time for clients.

Can I sue a lawyer for lying?

No matter what name the agency in your state goes by, they will have a process you can use to file a complaint against your attorney for lying or being incompetent. Examples of these types of behavior include: Misusing your money. Failing to show up at a court hearing.

What happens if a lawyer lies to a judge?

If a lawyer lies to the Judge about something that is within his own knowledge -- such as something the lawyer did or didn't do during the lawsuit, then he can be suspended or disbarred. However, it's important to distinguish what you mean by a "lawyer lying" from examples when a lawyer is not really lying.

What percentage of fraud is known to victims?

In other words, 90 percent of perpetrators of fraud are known to their victims. Even scarier: The closer the tie between perpetrator and victim, the greater the damage.

Why did Amy put her mother in a nursing home?

Because she couldn’t afford a nursing home, Amy placed her mother in a Social Security–financed small-scale custodial-care facility, a converted private home. Care was barely adequate. Francine died in February 2016, at age 99. “None of us would want to live like that,” Amy says.

Who is Amy's brother?

Then Amy’s only sibling, Randy, got involved. His relationship with their parents had always been strained, and he had an alcohol problem they were slow to recognize, Amy says. In 2005, Randy was living with his wife, Madeline, in Westchester County, New York, and hadn’t been around much.

Can an older person press charges?

Yet people who complain to law enforcement are frequently told that it’s a “family” or “civil” matter or that the older person “won’t press charges.”. These aren’t valid reasons to avoid action, says Paul R. Greenwood, head of the San Diego District Attorney’s Office Elder Abuse Prosecution Unit.

Is it easy to get a fraudster to agree to a request?

Once a fraudster has that, experts say, getting you to agree to requests is relatively simple . “This is the easiest crime to commit,” says Karen Sundstrom, who works for the Lexington County, South Carolina, Recreation and Aging Commission as an advocate for older adults who experience abuse. “It’s a piece of cake.”.

Do elder abuse cases rely on witness testimony?

Lichtenberg, director of the Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University in Detroit, says that elder-abuse cases rely on forensic examination of financial records more than they do on witness testimony. An added hurdle: Police and prosecutors may be suspicious about those who make accusations.

How to deal with financial bullying?

One way to solve the problem: put one person in charge of the monthly budget and spending, while the other heads up long-term savings. Then switch periodically, she recommends. Seek marriage help. Financial bullying can damage a relationship, especially if it drags on for years, experts say.

What to do if spouse works while spouse stays home?

Put you on an allowance. In some cases, a spouse who works while the other stays home -- or one who makes more money or came into money through an inheritance -- might give the other spouse an allowance. "Unless both of you are on an allowance, this is a red flag," Klontz says. Dictates the details of your monthly budget.

Can one spouse be a saver?

Often, one spouse starts out as a little more of a saver while the other is a little more of a spender, Gresham says. A power struggle can polarize the couple, causing each person to get more extreme, she says.

Should spouses get equal amounts of money?

Each spouse should get an equal amount of discretionary money to use for anything from gifts to going out to lunch to getting a new gadget, says Mary Gresham, a financial psychologist who practices in Atlanta.

Does one spouse control the finances?

Dictates the details of your monthly budget. Sometimes one spouse manages the finances, and that can be perfectly healthy, Moore says. However, in other cases, it can be "kind of a negative thing that's going on.". In some cases, a spouse will blame the other for debts and just take over the finances, she says.

Is it healthy to be rigid about your views?

Traditional roles are fine if both spouses agree, he says, but being rigid about your views usually isn't healthy. When one spouse complains that the other doesn't make enough, "I tell them to focus on themselves and increase their own earnings," Gresham says. Tries to curtail your earning power.

Is financial bullying a sign of an abusive marriage?

In extreme cases, financial bullying can be a sign of an abusive marriage, Klontz says. "The person might actually be in physical danger," he says. If this describes your relationship, put safety first and get help from a therapist. Have an honest talk. Maybe your spouse is just a bit overbearing.

How to deal with family members who don't agree with you?

If certain subjects always end in argument, avoid them and keep the conversation neutral. If a family member insists you agree with them or insults you when you don't, keep your distance.

What are some ways to punish you if you don't play their way?

They find ways to punish you if you don't play their way. They play childish games— the silent treatment, blame games— and there is no talking to them. It's their way or no way. Most people know intuitively when it's time to cut ties.

What does it mean when you break ties with someone?

Sometimes, breaking ties with one person means you could have the entire family upset with you. Remember, other family members have likely contributed to the abusive person's tactics as well. They may not be prepared to face that- you are disrupting family patterns.

Why is cutting ties important?

Cutting ties for the sake of healing yourself is a worthy cause too.

Can you cut ties later?

If the ties are cut right now, they may be mended later. Cutting ties isn't always an open and close, final case. One more thing: Sometimes, instead of having an issue with one person, the problem lies with more than one or even an entire branch of the family. In that case, it's best to evaluate the issues as a whole.

Can families cause you distress?

Families can simultaneously be the ones to cause you distress, but are also there by your side in tough spots. That's a fair trade: Take the good with the bad. It’s when the bad outweighs the good, or the bad is abuse, that we have to evaluate the health of that relationship for our own wellbeing.

Is a relationship abusive?

The relationship is physically or mentally abusive. Don't downplay the effects of these kinds of abuse, especially long-term. It may take counseling to realize you've been abused. We may think of abuse as "this" or "that", but there are many grey areas where abuse is defined by us personally. Just as trauma doesn't have to be something BIG, it is something that we're personally unable to manage.

What happens when someone with access to the funds gets sticky fingers?

It happens when someone with access to the funds gets sticky fingers: “Inheritance thieves will often rationalize what they are doing by claiming they need a little bit of money out of the funds because of how much they are doing for the estate.

Who receives the assets from a trust?

Trusts. In the simplest terms, a trust is a financial agreement among three parties: the grantor, who creates and funds the trust; the beneficiary, who receives the assets from the trust; and the trustee, who has a fiduciary duty to responsibly manage the assets in the trust.

What is the disclosure requirement in a will?

Put a disclosure requirement in your will. If your will requires your executor to disclose all details about estate expenses, assets, and financial transfers, it will be more difficult for an untrustworthy executor to hide misappropriation or theft.

What is inheritance theft?

Inheritance theft can take many forms, ranging from manipulating the person’s wishes while they’re still alive, to theft and embezzlement that occurs after the death. For blended families, this issue is a common problem, even if the estate in question isn’t worth millions.

Why do trusts cause headaches?

When a trust is involved, Rind also cautions beleaguered heirs that trusts can cause increased financial headaches, because “the trust itself is a separate ‘person’ and might need its own attorney. The legal fees get paid out of the trust’s assets, so you could wind up spending the money you are fighting over.”

What is an untrustworthy executor?

An untrustworthy executor is in a position where they could embezzle funds after your death. Most people name their spouse, a close friend, or family member as their executor. However, it’s possible to hire an executor who will be paid from your estate, and, in fact, lawyers will often perform executor services.

How to make an estate executor?

1. Appoint two executors to your estate. Make one of your two executors a non-family professional, such as a trust company, a financial planner, or an attorney. This lowers the likelihood that your executor will take advantage of their position. 2.

What is the job of executor?

One of the jobs of the executor is to account to the Inland Revenue for money disposed of in the last seven years.". "It could be," says Roberts, "that your mother decided that it was right and proper to give your sister and niece some money, but your sister would need to show that your mother had independent legal advice ...

What is the ultimate course of action in the case of Roberts?

The onus is on your sister to prove this. The ultimate course of action is court proceedings to get the money back to the estate. Roberts advises trying to sort things out before it gets to that and for the level of money you're talking about, it is worth pursuing.

Why do people cling to material goods when they die?

Sometimes when people die, people cling on to material goods because it's all that's left. What I would say to both of you is, try to make sure you are not trying to redress any inequalities you felt there were during your mother's life.

Why do family members say things off the cuff?

Some family members may say things off the cuff and think that because these things were said casually, they don’t hurt the other person. The truth is that such words hurt, however they are said. When negative words are spoken to family members it creates a chasm in the relationship.

How to deal with family members who are hurtful?

If you have done something that is hurtful to family members, then you need to apologize and make an effort to rectify the situation for the sake of family unity. Trying to hide the truth only compounds the hurt. The longer the truth is hidden, the more compounded the hurt. 5.

Why does lying to family lead to brokenness?

Lying to family or using deception to keep secrets leads to brokenness in a family. This brokenness comes from trust being corroded. The bigger the lie, the bigger the corrosion. Some lies, such as secret children born from an affair, can create insurmountable corrosion that will leave a family damaged for generations.

What does it mean to apologize to a family member?

When you apologize to a family member, the message you are sending to the person is that they matter and that you don’t want ill feelings between you and them. Not apologizing, is sending the message that the person does not matter or that their feelings don’t matter.

How do negative words affect family relationships?

Words carry weight. In some cases they can carry the weight of the world. When unkind words are said to family, they hurt. Your family is supposed to be your source of encouragement and support. Negative words damage the core of family relationships. Some family members may say things off the cuff and think that because these things were said casually, they don’t hurt the other person. The truth is that such words hurt, however they are said. When negative words are spoken to family members it creates a chasm in the relationship. It takes time and positive interactions to repair the harm that is done when insults, criticisms, and jabs take place.

What happens if a family is not providing this to one another?

If a family is not providing this to one another, then they are fundamentally failing as a family. Advertising. If you choose to put a foothold in the differences and create family strife because of differences, then the extended family unit is ultimately damaged.

How to help someone who has problems with words?

If there are people in your family who have problems with words, then set the example and set it strong. Use words that encourage and uplift family members. Doing so makes you a person that others want to be around. People don’t want to be around people who make them feel bad.

What does it mean when a friend tells you how unjustly you are being treated in private?

A friend who tells you how unjustly you are being treated in private, and yet cannot defend you with the same vigor before those detractors is not your friend. They are someone you should watch out for because their silence in public speaks volumes. Their silence says that they agree with the treatment being given to you by your detractors. They are secretly happy that you are facing the opposition that you are facing. In some cases, they may in fact be the architect of that ill-treatment, or at least have a hand in it.

Why do people play victim cards?

They always play the victim card to get your sympathy. The world and everyone in it are always against them. They are always being oppressed and no one seems to understand them or wants to help them. These are the stories they will always tell you at every chance they get.

What happens when you doubt yourself?

Once the seed of doubt is planted, you begin to doubt yourself. And when you begin to doubt yourself, you start making avoidable mistakes, and this is exactly what they are counting on to happen. They hope that by making mistakes, your goodwill and reputation will begin to crumble, thus destroying you and your legacy.

Do you need friends who are close to you?

You don’t need friends who display the above signs close to you. They are bad for your quality of life and success. They will only ever pull you down with them. Keep your interactions and discussions with them at the barest minimum because they have nothing to add to your life except misery.

Can someone destroy you without information?

This is very important to remember. A person on the outside cannot destroy you without adequate information about you. And the only way to get that information is either to get it directly from you or indirectly through someone who is close to you and knows you.

1 attorney answer

If this other person is telling other people untrue bad things about you that damages your reputation- that is slander. If they write or publish something untrue about you that damages your reputation, that is libel. But here is the catch: truth is an absolute defense to these actions. Therefore, if...

Richard Scott Desaulles

If this other person is telling other people untrue bad things about you that damages your reputation- that is slander. If they write or publish something untrue about you that damages your reputation, that is libel. But here is the catch: truth is an absolute defense to these actions. Therefore, if...