family lawyer and divorce lawyer...which better for divorce

by Jayde Renner 9 min read

I think it’s a genuine response to say, yes, there are better family lawyers and there are less able lawyers. Just like there are better individuals in any trade, or any profession. There are family lawyers out there who can manipulate the emotions of a divorce case to create more work for themselves.

Full Answer

How to choose a divorce lawyer?

May 10, 2022 · There isn’t a difference between a divorce lawyer vs family law attorney. Divorce attorneys are simply family law attorneys who offer divorce as one of their services. But family law lawyers don’t only practice divorce. Their services include child support, child custody, and spousal support, too.

What does a divorce attorney do?

Aug 27, 2019 · Divorce Lawyers’ Hourly Rates Nationally, nearly 7 in 10 readers paid their divorce attorneys between $200 and $300 per hour. How Divorce Attorneys Charge Fees. ... In most states, family law judges may order one spouse to pay for part of the other spouse’s attorneys’ fees, especially when there’s a big difference in their incomes and ...

Is a lawyer-driven divorce right for You?

Retainers range from $5,000 to $10,000 per person. So if you work with lawyers, right off the bat you're looking at spending a minimum of $10,000 to $20,000 for your divorce case. And everyone knows that's just the beginning. The cost of divorce only goes up from there, especially if there's disagreement on any of the issues.

Is divorce mediation harder than a divorce lawyer?

Apr 26, 2020 · Being First to File Divorce Paperwork does have some advantages, but some reasons outweigh others like choosing an experience Family Law Divorce Lawyer to keep Your Best Interests in mind when representing you in Divorce, Child Custody, Support, or Visitation Litigation. Call Fischer & Van Thiel at (760)722-7646.


Can a divorce lawyer help you?

Going through a divorce is a painful event, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Compassion, hard-working, experienced are some of the qualities of a divorce lawyer that can help you get what you want out of your marriage’s dissolution so that you can focus on beginning the rest of your life.

Why is it important to hire a divorce attorney?

Hiring a divorce attorney is often one of the first steps any person seeking a divorce will perform, and it is easily the most important, as their guiding hand can help make every subsequent step that much easier. Once you have planned to acquire an attorney’s services, your first big decision is which attorney to choose and why.

Is divorce painful?

Deciding to divorce your spouse could be one of the most stressful and painful moments in a person’s life. The strong emotions that often accompany it can make going through the often complex divorce process feel like an insurmountable weight has been placed on your chest.

What is the course?

If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

Is divorce a difficult decision?

By Joe Dillon, Divorce Mediator. The decision to get a divorce is a very difficult one no matter where you live or what the circumstances. But while some may think the decision itself is the hardest part of the divorce process, the choice of using divorce mediation vs divorce lawyer can be an even more challenging one if you don't know ...

Why is divorce so risky?

Certainty of Outcome. A lawyer-driven divorce is risky because there are no guarantees as to which side of any issue a judge is going to rule in court. Some lawyers use strategies to confuse, manipulate or outsmart their opposition. Every lawyer has their own style and personality.

What happens if you can't agree on a divorce?

If agreement cannot be reached on one or more of the issues using this approach, the divorce will carry on through the family court system. A court date will be set. And each divorce attorney along with the party that hired them will prepare their case.

What is the role of a mediator in divorce?

For divorcing parties, the divorce itself is the dispute and the mediator’s role is to help both parties (spouses) identify, negotiate and come to mutually-acceptable agreement on the various issues and financial matters required to end their marriage out of court.

How much does a divorce cost?

If a case goes to trial in court, litigation can range from $78,000 to $200,000. The cost of a mediated divorce can range from $7,000 to $10,000.

Do lawyers have financial acumen?

Lawyers also may not have the financial acumen required to resolve the many complex fiscal matters surrounding divorce. The best mediators have been professionally trained in mediation, are fully neutral, know the divorce issues, and are also experts in resolving the complex financial matters surrounding the divorce.

Do you need a lawyer to be a mediator?

There is no requirement that a mediator be a lawyer and in fact, some of the most qualified mediators aren't lawyers at all. Additionally, when a couple uses divorce mediation, lawyers are not also required at any point in their uncontested divorce unless either/both spouses choose to involve them.

What is alimony in divorce?

Alimony. Division of property. Working together with your spouse through the divorce process can have a lot of advantages, including: You'll have better control over the vital issues that will be raised during your divorce instead of leaving them up to the court.

What is a mediator in divorce?

Mediators are trained at getting both sides to set aside emotions and focus down on the facts that are essential to a successful divorce. Unlike lawyers, mediators have the advantage of working with both spouses at the same time, which can cut down on unnecessary communication delay.

Do you have to appear in court to get divorced?

Depending upon the state you live in, you may not even have to appear in court to have your divorce finalized, if you can show that the divorce is uncontested and you have worked everything out. However, many states do require short court hearings when minor children are involved.

What is collaborative practice?

In short, collaborative practice is an agreement among the spouses and attorneys not to litigate and, instead, focus on settlement. Generally speaking, collaborative practice lawyers will only agree to represent a client when the other side has also hired or agrees to hire a collaborative practice attorney.

What is limited scope representation?

When you hire a lawyer to help you with certain aspects of your divorce, it is referred to as limited-scope representation. Lawyers who offer "unbundled" services often do so at a flat fee, which is usually more cost-effective than hiring a lawyer to represent you for full-scope representation.

Divorce Lawyer vs. Divorce Mediator

Choosing the right person to help you resolve your divorce is important. In this Divorce Academy video, Kevin explains the differences between a divorce lawyer and a divorce mediator, and helps you figure out which one is right for you.

Is your Divorce Mediator also a Lawyer?

If you’re going to use a mediator you want to make sure that the mediator you are using is also a lawyer, and has also been practicing divorce lawyer, that’s really important. That’s a big difference between a divorce mediator and a divorce lawyer.

What is the Cost Difference Between Divorce Mediation and Litigation?

Another difference between the two is cost. Your average divorce litigation costs $25,000 per side, so that’s about $50,000 total. That’s an average for divorce litigation. Compare that to the average cost for divorce mediation which is about $5,000-$7,000, and that’s total.

How Long Does a Mediated Divorce Take Compared to Divorce Litigation?

Time-frame. Another big difference. 2-3 years for a litigated divorce, and about 6 months for a mediated divorce. You may ask yourself, “Why the difference in cost and time between a lawyer and a mediator?” It’s a good question. You have to think about how divorce litigation works and if you both have lawyers.

The Bottom Line

Look, what’s the bottom line? The bottom line is that probably 95% of people are going to be better off using the divorce mediator route. You are going to save time. You are going to save money. You are going to get the guidance you need.
