family court what if you cant afford a lawyer

by Mayra Ondricka Sr. 10 min read

If you’re in a situation where you cannot afford to pay a lawyer and if your divorce includes things such as custody, visitation, as well as an order of protection problems, you could choose to ask a judge to appoint a legal representative to you, without needing to pay for their services.

Family law– if you have a child custody or divorce case, legal aid may be able to help. Call your local legal aid office or ask the Judge in your case to appoint a legal aid lawyer to represent you in court.

Full Answer

Are you unable to afford a family law lawyer?

It is not uncommon for a situation to arise whereby one party to Family Law proceedings is unable to qualify for a grant of Legal Aid funding but also cannot quite afford the ‘concierge’ service of a private lawyer. If you fall into this grey zone, it can feel like you are trapped in limbo with nowhere to go. This is where we come in!

What happens if you can't afford a child custody lawyer?

If you’re a responsible parent, you’re legally entitled to half of your children’s time regardless of how much money you have. But if you can’t afford a lawyer, it’s like you’re being punished for your income. Lawyers can get quite expensive, but you don’t want to take any chances and you need all the help you can get.

Can you get legal aid if you can't afford a lawyer?

Lawyers can get quite expensive, but you don’t want to take any chances and you need all the help you can get. Although it may feel like you’re straight out of luck if you can’t afford a custody lawyer, there are a few legal aid options available. Each state is different, but most lawyers will give you a free 30-minute consultation.

Can a lawyer offer you a free service?

If a lawyer cannot offer you free services, ask them to offer discounted services. This could include a: Lawyers who offer “ unbundled services ” or “ limited scope retainer ” will help you with only a specific part of your case. You would still represent yourself, but you would have access to some things like:


What are the legal issues involved in divorce?

Divorce cases involve a number of legal issues, including division of marital property, spousal support or alimony, child support, child custody, domestic violence, etc. Each of these issues can become very complex depending on the individual facts and circumstances of each case.

Can you have the other party pay the bill in California?

And, the other party can even be required to pay the bill! In California, Family Code Sections 2030 and 2032 provide the Family Law Court with the ability to order one party to pay a reasonable amount of the other party’s attorney’s fees.

Can a divorce lawyer represent you?

Unfortunately, everyone going through a divorce could use an attorney to represent them, but only a fraction of family law litigants are able to afford to retain a lawyer (or lawyers) to represent them from the start to the end of their family law matter.

Is divorce expensive?

Divorce is expensive and not everyone can afford it. This article addresses three strategies that can be utilized by anyone who is unable to afford legal representation in connection with a family law issue.

Can a family law litigant afford an attorney?

Even if neither of the above options are available, there still may be a number of free resources for a family law litigant who cannot afford an attorney. The first step to take would be for the litigant to research licensed attorneys in his or her area and to contact them to determine whether or not they offer free consultations.

The Legal Aid Certificate

When faced with the harsh reality that you cannot afford to hire your own privately retained family law lawyer, the first option should be to consider whether you can obtain such a lawyer through the Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) Certificate Program. We are blessed in Ontario with having perhaps the pre-eminent legal aid system in the entire world.

Legal Aid Duty Counsel Service

If you apply for a certificate and are turned down, do not lose hope – LAO offers another service to family law clients in need of a lawyer. It is called LAO’s Duty Counsel (DC) Program, and it operates much like a medical clinic or a hospital’s emergency room.

Limited Scope Services

A growing trend in family law circles is the use of privately retained lawyers for limited scope services. What this means is that you hire a lawyer for a set flat fee (or a fixed hourly fee) to help you with a set of select services, usually spelled out in an agreement. At first blush, this seems like a mix of the two models above.

Thomas Allen Neil

You don't have options. There are no free lawyers because lawyers can't make a living working for free and they would soon be out business if they did. Which would help no one.

Heidi Sue Frankel

The first thing you might want to do is contact the local courthouse and see if they have a family law facilitator. Many of the courts have a free service which will help you at no charge. Some of the Courts also have several programs where family law attorneys volunteer their time and offer free advice. check this out.

Brenda J. Russo

Unfortunately you are correct, there are very few pro bono services available in this area. I can assure you that we lawyers hate it as much as pro per litigants. That being said, you can ask the court to award you attorney fees from your ex-husband if he has funds available that you do not.

Contemplate Your Options

Before you go to court, consider how confident you are about representing yourself. Many free legal aid organizations can assist you with handling related cases like the Jensen Family Law – Mesa.


You will be entering a world of information during the course of your case. You’ll need to have extensive knowledge of the laws related to child custody and divorce. The more aware you are about what the court is asking you to do, the better prepared you will be.

File a Petition for Custody

To file for child custody, you must fill out a Petition and Order for Custody. You have to state the grounds on which you are seeking custody. Read the petition carefully and check that all boxes are filled correctly to avoid having your case dismissed.

Serve the Other Party

Each party has to serve their spouse with the child custody petition. You will be expected to serve your spouse outside of court on several occasions during your divorce or custody process. Serve them when you can, even if you think it might be risky.

Attend Hearings

When you file for child custody, you ask the judge to enter an order that will determine your rights to see your children. That means attending hearings is essential in the process. Attend court hearings even if you are not there representing yourself.

Be Prepared

Bring detailed notes about any meetings with your spouse and other adults involved in your case and work closely with everyone involved during these conferences. Be sure to mention in your notes any inconsistencies or inaccuracies in what they say. It most definitely won’t be an easy process, especially when you’re representing yourself.

How can you obtain a lawyer?

One way to find a lawyer is through friends, family and other people you may know. These people can either recommend an attorney they used previously or help you research for the right lawyer. When it is possible, keeping your family involved can help share the work of getting prepared for a criminal case.

How can a lawyer help you?

Your lawyer can help you throughout your case in multiple ways. In addition, an attorney can assist you even after your case. For example, your lawyer can file a lawsuit on your behalf if you are in prison. In general, that’s only something that you and your lawyer can do, no one else.

How can you find a low-cost lawyer?

Sometimes, you may not be able to afford the hourly cost of a lawyer. You can contact a local law school to see if they have a pro bono program and if you qualify. For legal questions and advice, you can contact your state’s bar association. These associations may offer phone appointments for you to speak with attorneys.

What happens if you cannot afford a lawyer?

A court will appoint a lawyer to represent you if you can’t afford one. In the United States, everyone has a right to an attorney in a criminal case. This means that the judge will either appoint a private attorney to represent you or an attorney from a public defender’s office.

The Takeaway

Having a lawyer can help you during your case and during incarceration. There are several ways to find a lawyer for your case. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one for your criminal case. Also, you can always look on the internet, in advertisements and for recommendations from friends and family.

Why do you go to the courthouse?

Another reason for you to go to your local courthouse is to see if they can recommend different legal aid societies. Some may have specific organizations that help people in your predicament. For instance, lots of lawyers will volunteer their time to help people from a community they came from. Law Schools.

What are the legal options for domestic violence victims?

Legal Options For Domestic Violence Victims. If you’re a domestic violence victim, you need more than help with just your custody case. During this process , you should also file for a restraining order against your abuser. Domestic violence victims not only need to protect themselves, but their children as well.

What is a pro bono lawyer?

Pro bono services are when a lawyer offers free representation to their clients. Any time a lawyer does offer pro bono services, it means that they’re forgoing their own fee, along with the fee of their entire team to help you. Larger law firms often have programs offering pro bono services.

Does Harvard offer legal aid?

Even top law schools like Harvard offer legal aid programs with free or discounted prices. You’ll be assigned to work with a group of students and a supervising professor. In turn, your case is used as a learning experience for the students, while still providing top care. Your Local Bar Association.
