explain why kings lawyer want to make sure the jury connects him to steve

by Mrs. Martina Altenwerth MD 7 min read

Terms in this set (24) He wanted to because Steve looked like a pretty innocent guy.Jul 14, 2021

How do you convince the jury to believe Steve and King?

To let them look and sound terrible on the stand and then remind the jury that they dont look any different from Steve and King. Explain Steve's dream Steve dreams that he is in the courtroom trying to ask questions and, although he is shouting, no one can hear him and everyone goes about business as if he isn't there

Can expert witnesses look at the jury when answering questions?

Former U.S. Attorney Neama Rahmani emphasized that the jury is the witnesses "audience" and should be the focus. "Experienced witnesses are trained to look at the jury when they answer questions. That’s why you see expert witnesses like Dr. Curry and Dr. Hughes doing this," he told Fox News Digital.

Did heard's attorneys coach her to make eye contact with jury?

Although Heard was most likely "coached" to make eye contact with the jury during the defamation trial brought on by Depp, too much can "backfire," behavior specialist Susan Constantine-Perfido told Fox News Digital. "Her attorneys most likely coached her to look at the jury when answering the question," she explained.

Should the jury be the focus of a witness testimony?

Former U.S. Attorney Neama Rahmani emphasized that the jury is the witnesses "audience" and should be the focus. "Experienced witnesses are trained to look at the jury when they answer questions.

What happens with a juror that upsets Steve?

For King, the jury determined him guilty and for Steve, the jury determined him not guilty. King is sentenced by the judge to serve 25 years to life in prison.

WHy was the older prisoner so sure Steve would get time?

Why did the older prisoner tell Steve he is so sure Steve would get time? He believed if someone died, you did time. How did Ernie get caught when he was robbing the jewelry store?

Is Steve innocent or guilty in Monster?

In Monster, Steve was found not guilty on all counts against him in a court of law. In this sense, he is most definitely innocent. However, some viewers might be tempted to believe that he was actually guilty because he chose to enter the store as William demanded.

What evidence does the prosecutor Petrocelli give in her closing arguments that Steve is guilty?

Petrocelli claims that Bobo, Osvaldo, King, and Steve are all guilty. Steve is guilty because he failed to stop the robbery as the lookout—had he done his job, Nesbitt might still be alive. As for King, she says, he's guilty because he hangs out with the wrong kind of dudes and, as a result, Nesbitt is dead.

Who killed Mr Nesbitt in Monster?

Alguinaldo Nesbitt was the owner of a Harlem drugstore who was murdered during an attempted robbery, allegedly by Bobo Evans and James King.

Did Steve Harmon actually commit the crime?

Although Steve's actual guilt or innocence is never explicitly revealed, his inner narrative and framing of events suggests that he did participate in the robbery in a minimal way, simply walking into the drugstore and back out of it to check for cops, and leaving before King and Bobo Evans went in to commit the actual ...

Is Monster based on a true story?

No. Despite exploring some very relevant themes, the film is not based on one specific case or true story. Instead, it draws its inspiration from a novel of the same name by Walter Dean Myers, which was the inaugural winner of the Michael L.

How does Monster end Netflix?

The jury finds William King and Bobo guilty of the felony. Steve is declared not guilty. However, in the end, the horrors of prison captivity still haunt Steve's consciousness. Prison treated him like a monster and he still carries the terror and acquisitions inside his heart.

How old is Steve in Monster?

The novel begins with 16-year-old Steve Harmon writing in his book awaiting for his trial for murder. Musing on his short time in prison so far, he decides to record this upcoming experience in the form of a movie screenplay. Kathy O'Brien, Steve's lawyer, informs him on what will happen during the trial.

Does Steve tell the truth on the witness stand?

On the stand at trial, did Steve tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? No. He lied when he said he was not in the drugstore on the day of the robbery.

Why does Steve lie in court?

During Steve's trial, witnesses testify in exchange for reduced sentencing for their own crimes or to present a narrative beneficial to themselves. They are often caught in lies on the stand, suggesting that the personal motivation that each witness has for testifying presses them to lie rather than tell the truth.

Is Petrocelli a girl?

In Monster, there are only three major female characters. They are Sandra Petrocelli (the prosecutor), Kathy O'Brien (Steve's defense attorney), and Mrs.

Who identified James in court?

Henry then identifies James in court. During the cross-examination, the lawyers reference that Henry also correctly identified James in the lineup at the precinct. Bobo, clad in a prison jumpsuit, then takes the stand. Briggs argues that Bobo’s presentation is harmful to his client’s testimony. At the stand, Bobo tells the jury ...

What does Steve think about Jerry?

Once again, Steve expresses his suicidal ideations. Before falling asleep, Steve thinks about how much he misses his younger brother, Jerry. The trial continues on the following day. Briggs calls James King’s cousin to the stand to testify as a character witness.

What does Briggs say about Bobo?

During his cross-examination, Briggs confronts Bobo about his involvement in the crime and Bobo’s drug-dealing past. Briggs asserts that Bobo, as the “experienced” criminal, coerced James into the crime. Briggs also argues that Bobo is inherently selfish and merely testifying in order to shorten his own sentence.

What does Bobo tell O'Brien about Osvaldo?

Bobo tells O’Brien that he does not know Osvaldo well, and that he never threatened Osvaldo nor pressured him to be an accomplice. Bobo confirms that both he and King were waiting for Steve to give them the “all-clear” before entering the drugstore.

Why is Bobo in prison?

Bobo is currently serving time in prison for selling drugs, and he tells the jury that he’s been previously arrested for breaking ...

What is Asa Briggs' role in the King's defense case?

During King’s defense case, Asa Briggs calls King’s cousin to the stand. This testimony is an example of the role of character witnesses in the court case. Briggs uses King’s cousin’s point of view to try and vouch for his defendant’s character. However, it is clear that his cousin does not know much about James and his habits, values, or beliefs.

Why is Bobo's prison suit damaging to James King?

In this way, Bobo’s prison suit is damaging to James King, as King is the suspect most closely connected to Bobo.

What does Steve dream about in the courtroom?

Steve dreams that he is in the courtroom trying to ask questions and, although he is shouting, no one can hear him and everyone goes about business as if he isn't there. Summarize Detective Karyl's testimony. Karyl describes the gruesome scene of the victim's death and tells about the missing cartons of cigarettes.

What are the key points of O'Brien's summary?

1) Acknowledges medical examiner's testimony that a murder has been committed but stresses he does not indicate who is responsible. 2) States that Steve was not in the store, it was not his gun, and he did not converse with King about the crime. 3) States that Henry was in ...

How many cigarettes were stolen in the murder of the murderer?

Five cartons of cigarettes were stolen after the murder. A witness for the prosecution (Zinzi) tells the court that while he was in jail, another inmate told him he had bought stolen cigarettes from a man involved in a drugstore robbery. The prosecutor ties these cigarettes to the crime.

Who killed Nesbitt in the movie?

He and King planned the robbery and Steve acted as a lookout. He and King got into an argument with Nesbitt, who pulled a gun on them and started shooting. The struggled and King accidentally killed Nesbitt with a gun. They took some cigarettes, money, left, bought food, and split the rest of the money.