duty of lawyer to child when client is engaging in alienation

by Cheyenne Schoen 9 min read

Attorneys should be willing to communicate with the authorities to protect their clients and their clients’ children. Many times, an experienced juvenile detective can look out for alienating behavior in order to minimize its trauma on children. If visits are monitored, the exchanges should take place at the local law enforcement office.

Full Answer

Do I need a lawyer for child alienation?

If you need assistance with any legal issues such as child custody or visitation, you may wish to contact a qualified child custody lawyer in your area. Your lawyer can help you recognize and prevent what child alienation is. They can also help represent you during court hearings if a legal proceedings become necessary.

What is parental alienation and how can it affect my case?

Parental alienation is the process of one parent psychologically manipulating children against the other parent. If successful, this type of manipulation can greatly complicate issues such as custody and visitation rights of both parents.

How can alienation of a child be prevented?

Child alienation can often be prevented through diligent observation on behalf of the parents. The parent (s) should take note if the child begins acting in a hostile or indifferent manner towards one parent. The parents should also avoid making negative comments about the other party in the child’s presence.

Can an alienating parent get child custody of their child?

If the alienating parent convinces the children that they are safe with them and unsafe with the other parent, when actually the contrary is true, it’s possible the alienating parent will be given custody.

What are the legal implications of parental alienation?

Parental alienation in itself is not a crime, but evidence of alienation can be used to modify custody or visitation orders in favor of the wrongly alienated parent. If a parent has committed a crime while attempting to alienate the other parent, this could result in separate criminal charges.

How do you respond to parental alienation?

To stop parental alienation, work to maintain a positive, loving relationship with the child so that the child feels safe with you. Consider speaking with the other parent about behaviors you've noticed. If the alienation continues, consider parenting classes, therapy, and going to the Court for help.

How do judges look at parental alienation?

In a case involving parental alienation, the court will pay extra attention to what drives a child's negative actions toward a parent. The behavior might be based on experience, or it could be unfounded and imprinted by the alienator. This is where the documented evidence comes into play.

What happens when a child is alienated?

The child experiences the loss of their alienated parent like they would a premature death of a parent. The child is also likely to feel neglected and angry. They may take on traits of the alienating parent, such as lack of empathy and rigid thinking.

Is parental alienation considered abuse?

While these professionals are historically skilled at identifying physical child abuse, they are beginning to identify a more insidious form of emotional child abuse called parental alienation. When this form of abuse is correctly and timely identified, custody evaluators can recommend specific strategies for success.

How do you prove a parent is manipulating a child?

Signs of ManipulationBad-mouthing the other parent in front of the kids.Allowing family members and friends to bad-mouth the other parent in front of the kids.Using the kids as messengers.Lying to the kids to make the other parent look bad.More items...•

What is narcissistic parental alienation?

Narcissistic Parental Alienation syndrome refers to the process of psychological manipulation of a child by a parent to show fear, disrespect, or hostility towards the other parent. Very often, the child can't provide logical reasoning for the difference in their behaviour towards both parents.

What are examples of parental alienation?

Examples of Parental AlienationTelling the child that the other parent is responsible for the divorce.Telling the child unnecessary information about the reasons for the divorce.Telling the child blatant lies to damage the other parent's reputation.Persuading the child to refuse visitation.More items...•

What are signs of parental alienation?

A Campaign of Denigration. ... Weak, Frivolous, and Absurd Rationalizations. ... Lack of Ambivalence About the Alienating Parent. ... The “Independent Thinker” Phenomenon. ... Absence of Guilt About the Treatment of the Targeted Parent. ... Reflexive Support for the Alienating Parent in Parental Conflict. ... Presence of Borrowed Scenarios.More items...

What is alienation in family law?

Alienation refers to the transfer of property. For eg: sales, gifts, mortgages, etc. Property alienations have an added importance in Hindu law, as, usually neither the Karta (the manager of a joint family and the properties of such joint family.

How is parental alienation assessed?

The Baker Parental Alienation Syndrome Questionnaire (BPASQ) is a 28 item instrument designed to assess children by focusing on the perception each child has of each parent and any alignments that emerge on the part of the children when the parents argue (Baker, 2010, as cited by Fidler, et al.