do you need a lawyer when in custody

by Ms. Kamille Welch Sr. 6 min read

You do not need to have an attorney for a custody dispute in most states. Representing yourself in court is your right and can have pros and cons. The obvious pro is that you will save money on legal fees. However, going to court generally means the parents cannot find a solution.May 15, 2020

What to consider before hiring lawyers for child custody?

May 15, 2020 · You do not need to have an attorney for a custody dispute in most states. Representing yourself in court is your right and can have pros and cons. The obvious pro is that you will save money on legal fees. However, going to …

When you should hire a child custody lawyer?

Sep 20, 2019 · When filing for custody might become a bit more complicated without a lawyer is when one parent wants to file for either sole physical or legal custody. You are going to need to make sure you thoroughly understand your state’s child custody laws. Situations in where child custody agreements become more complicated

When should you hire a child custody lawyer?

Apr 09, 2021 · Request for child support. Review your paperwork carefully. Check to see if your documents need to be notarized before you sign them. Once your paperwork is complete and signed, you can pay the fee and file them at the courthouse. Court fees vary by state, but filing fees are usually several hundred dollars.

How to find a good child custody attorney?

March 9, 2021 Do I need a lawyer? Although court officials in some counties may tell you that you cannot file without an attorney, you have a right to file for custody or to access the court in any manner without an attorney.


How to file for custody without a lawyer?

You may face some setbacks along the way. Contact your local legal aid organization for support and referrals to resources. Be open to reassessing your decision to work without a lawyer.

How to file for child custody pro se?

Filing for child custody pro se requires research and planning. Parents who head into court solo should be prepared to pay close attention to detail, maintain meticulous paperwork, and understand the laws related to their case. Consider your bandwidth as you evaluate whether going through this process without the assistance of a lawyer is right for you.

What documents are needed for a child custody case?

Documents you'll likely need include: 1 Proof of paternity or legal parentage 7 2 Child's birth certificate 3 Any existing orders related to the child

What does "pro se" mean in legal terms?

Pro se is Latin for "on one's own behalf.". In legal terms, filing for child custody "pro se" means filing on behalf of yourself without the help of a lawyer. 1 Between 2000 and 2019, 25% of civil cases in the U.S. were filed pro se. 2. There are benefits and downsides to filing pro se. For parents who want to file for child custody ...

What is legal aid?

Legal aid organizations offer free legal advice and representation to low-income individuals. 3 They can be a great resource and may be able to give you further direction before going to court. If you decide to go ahead with representing yourself, give careful thought to all of your child custody options.

How to file pro se in a child's court?

Begin by contacting the family court clerk to obtain the proper paperwork. Typically, the court with which you must file will be located in the county where your child has lived for the past six months. 6 Be sure to inform the clerk that you are filing pro se so that you access the correct forms.

What is the relationship between a child and a parent?

The living accommodations a parent is able to provide. The relationship between a child and a parent. This is tedious, time-consuming work, but understanding the child custody laws in your state will have a huge impact on your ability to represent yourself well.

What to ask a lawyer about child custody?

What Should I Ask My Lawyer About Child Custody? 1 Objectivity: You have an obvious stake in the outcome of the child custody decision. A family law attorney is an objective professional, hired to be your advocate and to promote your interests. They also act as a buffer between you and the other party or you and your spouse’s attorney. 2 Expertise: Family law attorneys handle custody cases frequently and will have insider knowledge that you cannot get without this experience. You will benefit from hiring an experienced attorney who knows how to protect your interests.

What can an attorney do for you?

Your attorney can help you better organize the information and present it in a format that is most favorable to you. Court: Your attorney can advise you on how to navigate the court system and how to conduct yourself in court during a child custody case. Since you may be dealing with a very stressful and emotionally draining situation, ...

How to organize information for a child?

Without any irrelevant information, present your picture of what is in your child’s best interests, using facts and the law to support your position. Be patient.

Who is responsible for child support?

One parent is usually the custodial parent, and the other is typically responsible for basic child support payments and has visitation or parenting time. The order commonly addresses the child support amount to be paid as well. Because the stakes are so high, disputes over child custody and visitation and parenting time are common.

Can a family law attorney help you with custody?

Without specialized knowledge of the law, including the rules of evidence and the law itself, it is challenging to present your case to the court effectively. Attempting to do so could impact your case negatively, and as a result your ability to obtain or maintain custody of your child. A family law attorney can help guide you through every ...

What is custody case?

Custody cases and decisions are fraught with emotion and disagreement. They are emotionally challenging and financially challenging cases. To ensure that your interests are protected, hire an experienced family law attorney to guide you through the process.

Why is a thorough investigation necessary?

If you’ve seen any legal proceeding, you know a thorough investigation is vital to uncover the relevant facts. An investigation takes time, and there are many things to consider in a child custody case. Every lead should be developed before you go to court. Most of us aren’t trained detectives.

What is the court system?

Court System. The court system is a complicated maze of documents, hearings, judges and other details you must handle with precision and timeliness. Paperwork must be completed correctly and filed on time and to the right place. Hearings are scheduled and mandatory. They’re difficult to reschedule.

Is divorce expensive?

Divorce and splitting up a home can be very expensive. When you add the cost of a child custody battle, you look for somewhere, often anywhere, to cut your expenses. And since no one knows your child better than you do, you should represent yourself in court. Right?

What is a familiar process?

Familiar Process. Your lawyer will be familiar with the other parties involved. They may be aware of recent rulings or decisions by the assigned judge and use that to formulate the best strategy. They may have faced the opposing attorney and know what tactics to expect.

Does legal representation cost money?

Of course, legal representation costs money. But it could cost you more if you represent yourself. If you lose your case, the opposing side could ask the court to make you pay their legal fees. If the judge rules in their favor, you would still owe a large amount.

What is the goal of a child custody case?

Your goal is anything that helps you build a winning child custody case. Another point to consider is how you respond to pressure. The court requires all who appear to remain calm and behave reasonably. Custody battles are very emotional. If you lose your temper quickly or overreact, you shouldn’t represent yourself.

What is the best way to fight for custody of a child?

Emotional Focus. Any parent who fights for custody of their child is extremely invested in the outcome. You work to protect your child and to prove you’re the best choice to be the custodial parent. But your emotional commitment could cause you to lose focus if you represent yourself.

How to transfer custody of a child?

It's not easy to think about, but circumstances may arise when you need to ask someone to care for your children when life gets complicated. Whether you're thinking about giving custodial authority to a family member or custody to the other legal parent, you must follow the law. If you already have a custody order from the courts, the only ways you can transfer custody are to either: 1 put an agreement in writing with the other parent, or 2 ask the court to modify your custody order.

What happens if you share custody of a child with another parent?

If you share custody with the child's other parent, you must have permission before you change the custody arrangement. If the other parent disagrees, you'll need to file a formal request (motion) with the court to change the order.

What to do if you are paying child support?

If you're a parent currently paying support and you've agreed to become the child's primary caregiver, the first step is for you to forward your agreements to the court that handled your divorce or original custody case.

Can a parent give custody of a child to a third party?

Child custody is a serious matter that only parents and the courts can decide. Parents can't allocate custody to a third party without court involvement. However, parents can delegate legal authority to a family member or friend, with the intent that the person will have physical custody and care of the child.

What to do if you are late to court?

If you’re late, don’t show up, or don’t let your ex know where/when/for how long your taking the kids then there’s going to be an issue.

How to win custody battle?

How to Fight and Win a Custody Battle. The first and most important thing to do if you’re going through a child custody battle with your ex is knowing why you’re fighting for custody in the first place. There are a lot of people out there who want , or need, to win their child custody cases, but don’t know exactly what they’re fighting for.

Is court case stressful?

Court cases are very stressful to children (even though they have no idea what’s going on) and too much stress can lead to many child hood issues like depression, anxiety or even delinquency later in life. Myth #2: The best parent is the one with custody. Again, not always true.

What happens if a non-custodial parent doesn't pay child support?

Myth #7: If the non-custodial parent doesn’t pay child support, the custodial parent loses their custody rights. This isn’t true, as it is entirely up to the court to decide how much the non-custodial parent must pay in order for them to have equal custody rights (or any at all).

Contemplate Your Options

Before you go to court, consider how confident you are about representing yourself. Many free legal aid organizations can assist you with handling related cases like the Jensen Family Law – Mesa.


You will be entering a world of information during the course of your case. You’ll need to have extensive knowledge of the laws related to child custody and divorce. The more aware you are about what the court is asking you to do, the better prepared you will be.

File a Petition for Custody

To file for child custody, you must fill out a Petition and Order for Custody. You have to state the grounds on which you are seeking custody. Read the petition carefully and check that all boxes are filled correctly to avoid having your case dismissed.

Serve the Other Party

Each party has to serve their spouse with the child custody petition. You will be expected to serve your spouse outside of court on several occasions during your divorce or custody process. Serve them when you can, even if you think it might be risky.

Attend Hearings

When you file for child custody, you ask the judge to enter an order that will determine your rights to see your children. That means attending hearings is essential in the process. Attend court hearings even if you are not there representing yourself.

Be Prepared

Bring detailed notes about any meetings with your spouse and other adults involved in your case and work closely with everyone involved during these conferences. Be sure to mention in your notes any inconsistencies or inaccuracies in what they say. It most definitely won’t be an easy process, especially when you’re representing yourself.
