divorce and family lawyer how to

by Jarod Runte 4 min read

Family law attorneys can assist with all elements of a divorce, including but not limited to: Filing for divorce. In the divorce petition, the petitioner (the person who is suing for divorce) must describe the grounds for the divorce they are seeking.

Full Answer

How to choose a divorce lawyer?

Feb 26, 2022 · The organization originated to improve the practice of divorce and family law on a global level. It provides a search portal to locate divorce …

What does a divorce lawyer do?

Legal Requirements to Divorce. You first need to consider where to file for divorce. Typically, this is the county and state where one or both of you live. First, determine if you meet the state’s residency requirements. If you or your spouse are in the …

Do I need a divorce lawyer without a formal program?

Aug 05, 2020 · Divorce attorneys (a subsection of Family Law) specialize in the entire divorce process from start to finish, help smooth over differences between disagreeing parties, and even offer a sympathetic ear to listen when you feel overwhelmed or upset.

How do I hire a family law attorney?

Apr 21, 2022 · Discover more about how SEO drives results for family lawyers, what elements go into an SEO campaign, the best keywords and topics to target, and how to evaluate results. Does SEO Work for Divorce and Family Law Attorneys? An SEO campaign is part of a bigger divorce lawyer marketing plan.


Where do I file for divorce?

You first need to consider where to file for divorce. Typically, this is the county and state where one or both of you live. First, determine if you meet the state’s residency requirements. If you or your spouse are in the military, you may file where currently stationed.

What happens if a divorce case goes to trial?

If your case goes to trial, you’ll need to present evidence, possibly including testimony from witnesses, so the judge can decide a property settlement for you. It will be easier if you’re represented by an attorney at trial. It’s also possible you want to appeal or modify a divorce judgment.

Can you serve divorce papers?

Serving Divorce Papers. Once you’ve filed your divorce papers at court, you have to “serve” them on your spouse. Generally, this means another adult must physically give the papers to your spouse. You can use professional servers or save money by having a friend serve the papers for you.

Is divorce an adversarial action?

While divorce is generallly an adversarial action, pitting spouse against spouse, the following articles and legal resources are tailored toward helping individuals navigate the process as smoothly as possible. This section covers no fault divorces, where to file for divorce, serving and answering a divorce petition, ...

Why is it important to hire a divorce attorney?

Hiring a divorce attorney is often one of the first steps any person seeking a divorce will perform, and it is easily the most important, as their guiding hand can help make every subsequent step that much easier. Once you have planned to acquire an attorney’s services, your first big decision is which attorney to choose and why.

Why do couples split up?

There are many different reasons why couples decide to split up formally. Sometimes this decision is amicable. Other times, this decision creates great hostility. Sometimes, there are many assets, or even children, that need to be factored into the equation; sometimes there aren’t.

What is the marriage.com course?

If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

Can a divorce lawyer help you?

Going through a divorce is a painful event, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Compassion, hard-working, experienced are some of the qualities of a divorce lawyer that can help you get what you want out of your marriage’s dissolution so that you can focus on beginning the rest of your life.

Is divorce painful?

Deciding to divorce your spouse could be one of the most stressful and painful moments in a person’s life. The strong emotions that often accompany it can make going through the often complex divorce process feel like an insurmountable weight has been placed on your chest.

What is the best way to get a family law attorney?

Find a family law attorney. Certification requires years of experience, additional legal education and exams, and recommendations from colleagues and judges. Board certification assures you that the attorney you hire is an expert with a good reputation in the legal community.

Who is Jennifer Mueller?

Jennifer Mueller is an in-house legal expert at wikiHow. Jennifer reviews, fact-checks, and evaluates wikiHow's legal content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. She received her JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006.

How does a mediator work?

Mediators work with both spouses to come to a sensible agreement that fulfills both of your needs. If you and your spouse are relatively amicable, mediation might work better for you. If your spouse has already hired an attorney, you probably need to get one as well.

Do divorce attorneys charge by the hour?

Consider cost in your decision. Some attorneys will charge you a simple flat rate for a divorce, while others bill by the hour. The more complicated your divorce, the less likely you’ll be offered a flat rate.

How does a family lawyer work?

Family lawyers work with a great deal of paperwork and important documents. Having organizational skills can help you keep everything in order. Along with being able to easily access your files, staying organized ensures that you are protecting the privacy of your clients. You are always sure that your confidential information is only going to authorized parties.

How to keep your license to practice law?

Even after you finish all of your schooling and licensure tests, you may need to earn continuing education credits throughout the course of your career in order to keep your license to practice law. These requirements vary by state. You can earn continuing education credits by attending conferences, seminars or lectures. You can also earn credit by completing an in-person or online course. When figuring out ways to continue your education, you will need to ensure your state approves of them.

Why is empathy important in a lawyer?

Although having empathy is an important part of serving your clients, you also need to have stress-management skills in order to separate yourself from overbearing situations. Family lawyers need to have the ability to balance their work life and home life to avoid burnout. Stress management is also an important skill to have in the courtroom. Even when situations get intense, you need to find ways to keep your composure and continue to serve your client.

What is time management in court?

Court proceedings tend to be time-sensitive, meaning you'll need skills that help you prioritize your work. By having time-management skills, you can meet important deadlines and submit all of your documentation on time. Keep in mind that when you are a family lawyer, things will come up all of the time. This means you need to be able to adjust your schedule accordingly.

Why does divorce take so long?

There are several reasons divorces can take a long time, including the number and type of contested issues, combative spouses (or attorneys), the amount of time needed to gather evidence about things like complex finances or custody issues, and whether you go to trial.

What is the Martindale-Nolo survey?

References in this article to survey results come from Martindale-Nolo Research's 2019 divorce study, which analyzed survey responses from readers who had recently gone through a divorce and had researched hiring a lawyer. The names of any readers quoted in this article have been changed to protect their privacy.

Do divorce attorneys charge by the hour?

Divorce attorneys almost always charge by the hour, rather than a flat fee, because every divorce case is unique. Even if your situation looks similar on the surface to another couple’s (a two-income household with two kids and a home owned together), it doesn’t mean your case will turn out the same way.

What are the requirements for a divorce?

The states that offer this type of divorce have very specific requirements couples must meet before they can proceed. In California, for example, where an uncontested divorce is called a “summary dissolution,” couples must meet the following requirements: 1 their grounds for divorce must be “irreconcilable differences” (meaning they can no longer get along and there’s no chance for a reconciliation) 2 they don’t have any minor children together and neither spouse is pregnant 3 they are married less than 5 years 4 they don’t own any real property (homes or rental properties) 5 they don’t have more than $6,000 in debt (not including cars) 6 they must own less than $41,000 total in property acquired together (not including cars) 7 they don’t’ have separate property worth more than $41,000 (not including cars) 8 the spouses have already signed a divorce settlement agreement —dividing all assets and debts, and 9 neither spouse is seeking alimony.

How much does a divorce cost in California?

When you file your initial case paperwork with the court, you’ll have to pay filing fees. In California, divorcing spouses must pay $435 to file a request for dissolution. Check your state court website for information on filing fees in your area.

What is an uncontested divorce?

An uncontested divorce is usually available only to those couples with no children, a minimal amount of property to divide, and shorter marriages. The more complex your case is, ...

What is an uncontested divorce in California?

In California, for example, where an uncontested divorce is called a “summary dissolution, ” couples must meet the following requirements: their grounds for divorce must be “irreconcilable differences” (meaning they can no longer get along and there’s no chance for a reconciliation)

Where is Jeff Cutler?

Jeff Cutler is a native Miamian, attending local public schools before graduating with honors from the University of Florida School of Business Admin... Read More#N#istration (BSBA, Finance) and receiving his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Florida School of Law in 1982. He was a Captain and four-year letterman for the University of Florida Wrestling Team. Mr. Cutler returned to Miami in 1982 to live and practice law following law school. Mr. Cutler’s areas of legal specialization include civil, corporate, and commercial law and litigation, including business and construction law, transactions and finance, personal injury, wrongful death, p ... View Profile

Who is Erin Morse?

The Law Office of Erin Morse is an exclusive Family Law and Divorce Law Firm. Founded by Attorney Erin Morse in Orlando, she and her competent staff ... Read More

How to get a narcissist divorce?

The narcissist expects you to roll over. Don’t do it. Hire a family law attorney who understands narcissist divorce. Expose the mistakes your spouse thinks he can get away with by doing the following: 1 Compel them to provide information. Judges don’t like it when spouses are uncooperative. Ask the court to compel your spouse to provide the documentation he’s withholding. 2 Hire a forensic accountant. If your spouse has turned hiding assets into a hobby, consider hiring a forensic accountant who’s trained to uncover financial fraud. 3 Ask for fees and sanctions. Narcissists think they can get away with bad behavior. Show him there are consequences for failure to follow court orders. Ask the court to sanction your spouse for obstructing procedures or violating orders, and also pay for your attorney’s fees. 4 Garnish wages. Is your spouse a child support dodger? File a motion with the court to garnish his wages. This means child support will be automatically deducted from your spouse’s paycheck so you don’t have to chase after it.

What are the common mistakes narcissists make during divorce?

Narcissists, by definition, are inherently unreasonable and manipulative. They also think they’re above the law, which leads them to take risks that can backfire. Here’s a list of common mistakes narcissists make during divorce. Hiding assets. Narcissists don’t care what’s fair.

Do narcissists care about money?

Narcissists don’t care what’s fair . They go to great pains to hide marital assets, sometimes setting up secret accounts, “lending” money to friends, or stashing cash in safe-deposit boxes. Because they’re so grandiose, they don’t believe they’ll ever get caught. Playing games with child support.
