can i ask my lawyer how much my case is worth

by Isobel Dare PhD 10 min read

As you can see, there is no precise way to measure what a personal injury case is worth and, in the final analysis, it is largely guesswork. However, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you determine a reasonable estimate of the value of the case based upon his or her years of experience in dealing with insurance adjusters and juries.

Your attorney will be able to tell you what your chances are, approximately how much your case is worth financially, and if your case should be pursued. This may be one of the most important questions you can ask an experienced attorney and help you avoid additional headaches and frustration.

Full Answer

How will my lawyer value my case?

Nov 06, 2009 · As you can see, there is no precise way to measure what a personal injury case is worth and, in the final analysis, it is largely guesswork. However, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you determine a reasonable estimate of the value of the case based upon his or her years of experience in dealing with insurance adjusters and juries.

How much do you get for winning a civil lawsuit?

Oct 20, 2020 · How much is my case worth? Answer: Typically in personal injury cases, we’re talking about automobile accidents or car crashes. In most of those cases, we work it up in what we call “prelitigation.” We work up the case and try to settle the case with the insurance company without having to file a lawsuit.

Should you spend money on another lawyer?

Oct 27, 2017 · The first thing to understand is what personal injury lawyers mean when they talk about how much a case is worth. When discussing claim value, a lawyer generally means the settlement value of the case. No lawyer can ever predict what a jury is going to award at trial. That’s why many lawyers refer to going to trial as “throwing the dice.”

What happens if a lawyer does not collect his legal fees?

Dec 15, 2020 · How much is my case worth? Answer: This is a question we get asked in every case, and we work to get to that answer as soon as possible. The short answer is every case is different. What you need to do to get that question answered for you and your case is just call us. It doesn’t cost anything to call us and to let us review the case.


How do I find out what my case is worth?

Case value is determined by looking at a legal concept known as “damages”. The types of damages incurred in an accident caused by another party's negligence, carelessness, or intentional acts vary from case to case. They are used to calculate an amount of money to compensate you for a range of losses.Feb 6, 2020

Should you tell your lawyer everything?

You should always tell your lawyer everything. If you go to trial, the information you are hiding could come out during the trial. If your attorney does not know about it, the attorney cannot properly represent you.

How do you value a lawsuit?

Say there is a lawsuit pending with purely economic damages of $100,000. The defendant agrees on the damage amount, but denies liability. If the parties also agree that there is a 50% chance that the plaintiff will win at trial, then the expected value of the case is $50,000: (1/2 x 100,000) + (1/2 x 0) = 50,000.Mar 8, 2010

What questions should I ask my lawyer?

Questions to Ask Your Lawyer During a Consultation1) What kind of experience do you have with similar cases?2) What would be your strategy for my case?3) Are there any alternatives to going to court?4) What are my possible outcomes?5) Who will actually handle my case?6) What is my role in my case?More items...•Jan 29, 2017

What is the average settlement for a car accident?

The average car accident settlement is $15,443 for accidents with physical injuries. For accidents with property damage only, the average car accident settlement is $3,231.

What should you not say to a lawyer?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you..."The Judge is biased against me" Is it possible that the Judge is "biased" against you? ... "Everyone is out to get me" ... "It's the principle that counts" ... "I don't have the money to pay you" ... Waiting until after the fact.Jan 15, 2010

How often should you contact your lawyer?

You should never be afraid or feel like an intrusion to contact your attorney every three weeks or so, or more frequently if there is a lot going on with your health or other matters related to your legal case.Jun 17, 2020

How are general damages calculated?

General damages that are awarded for pain and suffering in the U.S. are typically calculated as three to four times the amount of the plaintiff's medical bills and added to the amount that is actually meant to cover the bills.

How damages are calculated in the law of tort?

Damages are quite simply the award of a monetary sum to the claimant, which must then be paid by the defendant (or as is often the case, the defendant's insurance company).

How are special damages calculated?

Special damages are out-of-pocket expenses that can be determined by adding together all the plaintiff's quantifiable financial losses. However, these losses or expenses must be proven with specificity.

How do you ask a lawyer for help?

How to Ask Another Attorney for HelpStep 1: Know What You Need To Ask. It is best to determine how much help you need before picking up the phone. ... Step 2: Be Respectful of Their Time and Schedule.Step 3: Respect Their Advice.

How do I prepare for an attorney interview?

If you are interviewing virtually, all of these tips apply.Do your research. Lawyers are known for being good researchers. ... Be presentable and dress your best. ... Come prepared to ask questions. ... Be personable and show enthusiasm. ... Be genuine. ... Promptly send a thank-you note.Oct 28, 2020

What do you say when talking to a lawyer?

Tips for Talking to an AttorneyAlways be as honest and candid as possible about the facts of your case. ... Ask questions if you don't understand something that your attorney mentions or explains to you.Approach an attorney about your case as soon as you think you may need one.More items...•Aug 4, 2015

Why do lawyers take so long to settle a case?

The reasons a case can progress slowly can be summed up into three general points: Your case is slowed down by legal or factual problems. Your case involves a lot of damages and substantial compensation. You have not reached maximum medical improvement from your injuries (this will be explained below)

How long does it take to negotiate a settlement?

one to three monthsThe average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

How much should I settle for a back injury?

For lower back injury settlements for sprains and strains, the average settlement is between $10,000 and $50,000. The larger settlements are the result of better lawyering and specific facts which can change the value of your case.

How to put value on a case?

To put a value on a case, an attorney will draw upon his or her knowledge about the type of case, the particular employer, and the jurisdiction (the state and court in which the case will be brought).

Is a slam dunk a case of injustice?

"Slam dunk" cases very rarely exist. This point cannot be over-emphasized. You may have documents to support your position, people who promise that they'll testify on your behalf, and what appears to be a clear case of injustice. However, the reality is, the smoking gun document is very rare, injustice is not always or even typically unlawful, and what people say they will do on your behalf often changes once they are asked to speak out in public and place their own employment at risk.

Can you recover compensation for lost wages?

Many employment law matters permit an employee to recover "compensatory" damages only. This means that you may be able to recover the value of your lost wages and some future salary and maybe your attorney's fees. The huge award reported in the paper typically deal with massive punitive damages in non-employment cases.

Can a lawyer promise a million dollars?

However, your lawyer cannot promise that your case will be worth a million dollars because, frankly, most are not worth a million dollars. The fact is, most cases settle well before trial, for much less money than would appear by reading media reports.
