california lawyers how long must a lawyer keep the file

by Mr. Cleve Grady 7 min read

While required retention periods of no more than three years are most common, California law imposes requirements of as long as eight years for certain employment records and six years for certain tax and corporate records.

How long do I have to keep my attorney's files?

6In Ramirez v. Fuselier(9 Cir. BAP 1995) 183 Bankr. 583, where the files of a bankrupt debtor (an attorney) had been seized in violation of the automatic stay, the court (in dicta) read rule 4-100(B)(3) as requiring an attorney "to keep and maintain files for five years after the conclusion of a case."

How long do I need to keep my business records in California?

While required retention periods of no more than three years are most common, California law imposes requirements of as long as eight years for certain employment records and six years for certain tax and corporate records.

How long should you hold onto malpractice files?

It's prudent to hold onto files at least until the statute of limitations for legal malpractice has run -- and remember that the discovery rule might apply. Besides, your malpractice insurance company looks favorably upon firms with file retention policies. It is well worth having a policy, just for a chance of a reduced premium.

Does a lawyer have to return a client file in California?

Remember that California Rules of Professional Conduct state that the attorney has an obligation to return the client file regardless of whether it is tangible, electronic, or in another form. If you’re a California lawyer, it is your obligation to return the client file as defined by the State’s Rules of Professional Conduct.


How long do law firms need to keep files?

The Model Rules suggest at least five years. See Model Rule 1.15(a). Many states set this requirement at six years, and some set it even further out. However, for certain types of legal matters, you must keep the files even longer.

How long should will files be kept?

You should store the original will until after the death of the client, or until you are able to return the original to the client. Some firms keep wills indefinitely, while others have a policy of holding the original will for 50 years from the date of its creation.

What are the laws regarding record retention for the state of California?

Beginning on January 1, 2022, employers will be required to retain personnel records for applicants and employees for a minimum of four years (up from the previous requirement of three years).

What is the purpose of law firm document retention and destruction policy?

A formal, written RMP provides clear direction to law firm staff about how records should be created and maintained, how long they should be kept, how they should be destroyed, and who should oversee the process.

How long do you have to keep clients records?

It is recommended that members should keep records and working papers for at least seven years from the end of the tax year, or accounting period, to which they relate or such longer period as the rules of self-assessment may require, which reflects the Statute of Limitations.

Does a lawyer keep a copy of a will?

If a solicitor writes your will, they will usually store the original free of charge and give you a copy – but ask them to make sure. Most solicitors will also store a will they didn't write, but there will probably be a fee.

How long do you have to keep resumes on file in California?

one yearFederal law requires employers with 15 or more employees to keep employment applications, resumes and related hiring information and documents for at least one year after creation of the document or the hire/no hire decision, whichever is greater.

How long do you have to keep terminated employee files in California?

3 yearsThe following documents must be retained for 3 years: Employee personnel files (3 years after termination of employment) Recruitment and hiring records.

How long do you have to keep time cards in California?

three yearsThe Wage Orders require that time records “shall be kept on file by the employer for at least three years at the place of employment or at a central location within the State of California.” Therefore, employers should consider maintaining a copy of employee time records, either electronically or on paper, within the ...

Are emails part of client file?

All emails are printed and placed in the client's file. they end up in folders in Outlook, junking up memory. client. inbox into client folders.

What is a document retention notice?

Accordingly, a document retention policy should include a routine notification to employees to keep all original documents on the company's servers and to delete all old copies of the files from their work or home computers.

What is a file retention policy?

What is a retention policy. A retention policy (also called a 'schedule') is a key part of the lifecycle of a record. It describes how long a business needs to keep a piece of information (record), where it's stored and how to dispose of the record when its time.

What is a CLA hold policy?

While this Policy is not intended to be a comprehensive litigation hold policy, it is the policy of CLA to stop the routine destruction of records in the ordinary course of business if litigation or an investigation is underway or reasonably anticipated. This includes back-ups retained pursuant to any disaster-recovery or business-continuity plan CLA may adopt. In such a scenario, the personnel responsible for the relevant records will be notified as soon as reasonably possible and instructed to not destroy, discard, remove or otherwise tamper with the records that are reasonably anticipated to be at issue.

What is a CLA record?

It is CLA’s policy to maintain complete, accurate and high-quality records. Records are to be maintained for the period of their immediate use, unless longer retention is required for historical reference, contractual or legal requirements or for other purposes. Records that are no longer required or have satisfied their periods of retention will be destroyed pursuant to the retention period outlined below. For purposes of this Policy, a “record” or “document” is a memorialization of a decision, transaction or other matter that may reasonably be considered to relate to the business of the California Lawyers Association or any one of its constituent parts, such as a section or committee, regardless of its physical embodiment or the medium in which it is recorded and regardless of whether paper or electronic.

What is a record retention?

For purposes of this Policy, a “record” or “document” is a memorialization of a decision, transaction or other matter that may reasonably be considered to relate to the business ...

What happens if you fail to adhere to a legal hold?

Failure to adhere to the stipulations of a legal hold is a serious offense and may result in disciplinary action and, in certain circumstances, criminal prosecution. Only the issuer of the legal hold, in consultation with counsel, may modify or lift a legal hold.

Can a CLA be destroyed?

No documents will be destroyed or deleted if pertinent to any existing or anticipated government investigation, proceeding or litigation—whether criminal or civil or discovery of facts and circumstance reasonably likely to lead to litigation, or a government proceeding or investigation. In the event any employee, Board member or other volunteer leader becomes aware of a government investigation, proceeding or litigation to which CLA may be a party or to which CLA receives a subpoena as a witness, he or she shall immediately notify the Executive Director or, in her absence, the Associate Executive Director and the Board Chair and any one of them may cause a formal “litigation hold” to be issued.

Does CLA retain electronic documents?

Upon request, paper or electronic documents required to be maintained under the terms of this retention policy that are not currently in CLA’s possession will be transferred to and maintained by CLA.

Who is required to follow CLA rules?

All CLA personnel, board members and volunteers are required to follow these rules. In certain cases, the rules may also apply to contractors, vendors and other third parties conducting business with or on behalf of CLA.

What is Section 6068 subdivision E?

Business and Professions Code section 6068 , subdivision (e) requires an attorney, at every peril to himself, to protect the confidential information of the client. Section 6149 declares that a written fee contract is deemed confidential information protected by section 6068, subdivision (e). Thus, the statute and the rule generally impose upon ...

What are the duties of a probate attorney?

As to original papers and other property received from a former client, including estate planning and other signed, original documents delivered under Probate Code section 710, the attorney's duties are governed by the law relating to deposits (bailments) or by the Probate Code. With respect to other "client papers and property" to which the former client is entitled under rule 3-700, absent a previous agreement, the attorney has an obligation to make reasonable efforts to obtain the former client's consent to any disposition that would prevent the former client's taking possession of the items. If, after reasonable efforts, the attorney is unable to locate the former client or obtain instructions, the attorney may destroy the items unless he or she has reason to believe (1) that preservation of the items is required by law, or (2) that destruction of the items would cause prejudice to the client, i.e., that the items are reasonably necessary to the client's legal representation. Since the "client papers and property" to which the former client is entitled may include a variety of items, the attorney may have an obligation to examine the file contents before the file is destroyed. No specific time period for retention of a particular item can be specified. Files in criminal matters should not be destroyed without the former client's consent while the former client is alive.

How long do attorneys retain client files?

475 (1994) of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, Professional Responsibility and Ethics Committee, recommends a minimum retention period of five years past the date the matter was closed for attorneys' client files. The five-year period is drawn by analogy to rule 4-100(B)(3), Rules of Professional Conduct, requiring that attorneys preserve for five years records and accountings of funds, securities, and other properties of clients coming into their possession. As stated in footnote 2 above, this Committee does not believe that rule 4-100 is intended to address the retention of files; nor does the Committee believe that a file retention period of five years is in all cases required.

How long do you have to keep business records in California?

4Papers and property to which the former client is entitled may include original items that are of monetary or historical interest or that are subject to record retention requirements under state or federal law. While required retention periods of no more than three years are most common, California law imposes requirements of as long as eight years for certain employment records and six years for certain tax and corporate records. A maze of state and federal regulations govern retention of records relating to environmental matters (See Legal Requirements for Business Records: State Requirements (Skupsky and Montana edits., Information Requirements Clearing House, 4th ed. 1997); and Legal Requirements for Business Records: Federal Requirements (Skupsky and Montana edits., Information Requirements Clearing House, 4th ed. 1996).

Why is acceptance of client papers subject to law of deposit?

Acceptance by an attorney of original papers and other property from a client may create special problems because of potential statutory obligations. In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, acceptance of client papers and property delivered by the client is subject to the law of deposit. (Civ.

What should an attorney inspect for?

If the attorney has reason to believe that the file contains items that are required by law to be retained or that the client will reasonably need to establish a right or a defense to a claim, the attorney should inspect the file for such items and should retain such items for the period required by law or according to the reasonably foreseeable needs of the client. The balance of the file may be destroyed.

How long do you have to keep bankrupt records?

BAP 1995) 183 Bankr. 583 [1995 Bankr. LEXIS 813], where the files of a bankrupt debtor (an attorney) had been seized in violation of the automatic stay, the court (in dicta) read rule 4-100(B)(3) as requiring an attorney "to keep and maintain files for five years after the conclusion of a case." As noted above, rule 4-100(B)(3) does not refer to client files but to an attorney's record of funds, securities, and other properties of a client coming into the attorney's possession, and the obligation to render accounts. It is those records and accounts that the attorney is required to maintain "for a period of no less than five years after final appropriate distribution of such funds or properties; and [to] comply with any order for an audit of such records issued pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar." (Rule 4-100(B)(3).)

Why is it important to keep client files concise and organized?

The important thing is to keep the client file concise and organized. Simplify file management and retrieval. If documents are in several locations create a single point of access.

How to store a closed file?

Store a closed file onsite at the law firm or in another location. Either way, maintain confidentiality and security. Encrypt files stored electronically. Have a backup system in place to protect against loss or damage.

Why is accurate record important?

Accurate records protect the law firm from improper record handling. It eliminates charges that destruction of a client file was random.

What to do when a lawyer and client agree to retain client documents?

If a lawyer and client agree the lawyer retains the client documents, state it in writing. Spell out the specifics on the lawyer's responsibilities, storage, and retrieval fees.

What happens when a law firm closes a file?

When a file closes, the primary lawyer reviews the file and sets the destruction date. Of course, a situation may arise during the retention period that changes the date. If so, the law firm should have a system in place that identifies when the destruction date changes.

Why is retention important?

Protection Against Malpractice Charges. One reason for retention is to protect the firm against allegations of malpractice. It's vital when the case documents are the only evidence available for defense against a claim. This can happen when information from other sources isn't available.

What is file retention?

File retention is a critical issue when a law firm merges, adds or loses partners, or closes. An established retention and destruction policy determines who handles the files.

How Do I Create a Law Firm Document Retention Policy?

There's no need to reinvent the wheel when drafting a document retention/destruction policy because samples are available online, including from the New York State Bar Association.

How Do Law Firms Dispose of Client Files?

Don't toss old paper files into the recycling bin. Shred them first, preferably using a document destruction company that certifies confidential practices. With electronic files, ensure that the data is completely wiped out and can't be restored. Beforehand, take steps to protect yourself from any claim that you have mishandled client materials.

What is a law firm record management policy?

Most law firm records management policies use a matter-centric approach, creating a policy that analyzes individual client files to determine whether they should be retained. While an entire client matter will be considered for retention at one time, both the physical and electronic files must still be well-organized.

What to do before destroying client files?

Before destroying a client file, make sure an attorney reviews it. Is there any reason why the file should be preserved longer? Are there any original documents in the file, such as contracts, that should be saved?

What is Findlaw's integrated marketing solution?

FindLaw's Integrated Marketing Solutions can help you create a comprehensive plan to target your market audience so that you will have a steady flow of new client files to keep your files full.

Why do bar associations recommend hanging onto files for the life of the client?

In some fields such as tax and probate, statutes address how long records must be kept. In the criminal law context, bar associations often recommend hanging onto files for the life of the client, because of the possibility of habeas corpus petitions and other post-trial actions. ...

What is matter closing?

Matter closing can be an opportunity to remind the client of the work that was performed and the firm's desire to represent them in the future. In a perfect world, you would contact your former clients and they would come and pick up their files.

2 attorney answers

I think th rule is "reasonableness." A will file of a living person should be retained until needed. I believe records of ongoing clients and/or businesses should be retained indefinitely. I have been practicing 40 years ans I kept all my files and only rarelt needed them.

Victor Peter Obninsky

There's no firm rule on the subject. One opinion from the Los Angeles Bar Association says an attorney in a criminal case should retain the client's file as long as the client is alive. However, you're in a somewhat different position. The file in a case belongs to the...

What is the rule for a client after a relationship ends?

Accordingly, once the engagement is over, Rule 3-700 (D) ...

How long do you have to keep a client's file in California?

The California Rules of Professional Conduct do not specify how long an attorney must retain a former client’s file. Specifically, Rule 3-700 (D) (1) does not set a minimum amount of time that an attorney must keep the former client’s file, nor does it explain when, if ever, particular items in the former client’s file may be discarded or destroyed.

How long should civil files be retained?

Civil files should be retained for no less than five years, but certain contents may never be destroyed absent client agreement.

Do criminal attorneys have leeway?

Criminal attorneys appear to have less leeway. The State Bar’s suggestions to include a document retention policy in fee agreements, and to retain certain documents by “microfilming or similar means,” were specific to civil cases. Cal. State Bar Formal Op. No. 2001-157 (2001). Given the unique nature of criminal matters, it is not clear that such proposals would be acceptable or advisable. Nevertheless, at the conclusion of a matter, a criminal attorney should send a letter inviting the client to request the file.

Do attorneys retain and preserve client papers?

An attorney’s obligation to retain and preserve the client’s papers and property lives on even after the representation ends. Once the matter is over, all attorneys should encourage the client to take possession of the file.

Do criminal lawyers retain files?

Specifically, bar associations have uniformly recommended that criminal attorneys retain the file for the life of the former client, unless the client expressly authorizes the file’s destruction.

Does California have a retention period?

Although California courts have not yet addressed the retention period, several bar associations within the state, including the State Bar of California, have provided non-binding guidance on this issue. As a threshold matter, these bar associations have recognized a distinction between civil and criminal cases for purposes of the retention period.

What is the rule for deposition transcripts?

The rule, Rule 1.16, clarifies this as “correspondence, pleadings, deposition transcripts, experts’ reports and other writings, exhibits, and physical evidence, whether in tangible, electronic or other form, and other items reasonably necessary to the client’s representation, whether the client has paid for them or not.”.

Do attorneys have to return client files in California?

Remember that California Rules of Professional Conduct state that the attorney has an obligation to return the client file regardless of whether it is tangible, electronic, or in another form.

Do lawyers have to return client files?

While there is an attorney obligation to return the client file, that particular model rule tells us what to do, but it doesn’t really mention which documents or property the client is entitled to receive. So, how do you know what you should turn over as the client file when you’re a practicing lawyer in California? This post will help you figure it out.

1 attorney answer

Most lawyers will keep a file either indefinitely or for a period of years between 7 & 10. I believe (not positive), that the Texas Bar suggests we keep our files at least 3 years. The file belongs to the client and if the lawyer has it, and the client requests, the lawyer must provide a copy of the file to the client.

Cynthia Russell Henley

Most lawyers will keep a file either indefinitely or for a period of years between 7 & 10. I believe (not positive), that the Texas Bar suggests we keep our files at least 3 years. The file belongs to the client and if the lawyer has it, and the client requests, the lawyer must provide a copy of the file to the client.


I. General

  • It is CLA’s policy to maintain complete, accurate and high-quality records. Records are to be maintained for the period of their immediate use, unless longer retention is required for historical reference, contractual or legal requirements or for other purposes. Records that are no longer required or have satisfied their periods of retention will b...
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II. Rules

  • All CLA personnel, board members and volunteers are required to follow these rules. In certain cases, the rules may also apply to contractors, vendors and other third parties conducting business with or on behalf of CLA. Upon request, paper or electronic documents required to be maintained under the terms of this retention policy that are not currently in CLA’s possession wil…
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III. Document Custodians and File Maintenance

  • As a state-wide association with geographically dispersed volunteers and remote employees, documents subject to this policy may be located in multiple venues. To facilitate the periodic review of documents and the consolidation of documents subject to this policy, from time to time but no less frequently than once per year after the adoption of this Policy, the Associate Executi…
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IV. Terms of Retention

  • The following documents must be permanently retained: 1. Governance Records: Including articles of incorporation, charter and amendments, bylaws, board minutes, IRS documents pertaining to tax exempt status 2. Tax Records: Filed state and federal tax returns/report 3. Intellectual Property records: Copyright and Trademark registrations applications, assignments, …
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