arma life how to be a lawyer

by Norberto Marks 8 min read

What is the role of the Justice in Lakeside?

They are in charge of public policy, departmental policy for all the government agencies and write the laws of the land.

What is a restraining order?

Restraining orders are issued by a judge and are intended to protect those who fear for their own safety, or are being harassed. Essentially, a restraining order prohibits an individual from an action that is likely to cause harm; usually, a restraining order prevents any contact or communication between two or more people. There are two types of restraining orders available from the DoJ:

Why was Lakeside Valley disbanded?

As many of you are aware; the elected officials in the government of Lakeside Valley have been disbanded primarily due to the inability for the Legislature to function, due to lack of qualified or interest parties.

Who is the head of the Department of Justice?

The Department of Justice consists of the DoJ command headed by Max Lancett as well as the District Attorney's Office. The DoJ is the group responsible for publishing the Erie County Criminal Code. Also the DoJ has authority over the Sheriff's Office.

What is expungement of a criminal record?

An expungement is where a person requests a crime to be expunged (removed) from his/her criminal record. When a record has been expunged, those entities which would have access to the record will be informed that the subject of the record has had the record expunged and it may not be used to disallow a license or employment. A pardon is an act of clemency in which the order, absolves the grantee from the guilt of the grantee's criminal acts and exempts the grantee from any penalties imposed by law for those criminal acts. Any Citizen may request for a Class 2 Felony or lower criminal conviction to be expunged from their record, but must meet the below criteria:

Can a bar certified lawyer file a civil suit?

Bar Certified Lawyers may file a civil suit on behalf of their client (Plaintiff) against an alleged, named Defendant (person, business, agency) by posting in this format. This allows them to take the defendant to court, where the case will be heard by a judge and a decision will be made on what, if anything, the Plaintiff will receive from the civil suit.

Chapter 4: No Combat Logging

Disconnecting or aborting while in an active situation with another player is not allowed.

Chapter 5: Aviation

Warning shots may be given to air units (including the R&R) if you do not wish for them to land near your location (3 single rounds shot not directly at the air unit).

Chapter 6: In-game volume

Players must have in-game sound effects turned up to the point where direct voice communication from other players is audible.

Chapter 7: Do not harm R&R

Citizens can only order a medic to revive a deceased player that is requesting medical service.

Chapter 9: Vigilante

Vigilantes are no exception to the law. They must also follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc.

Chapter 11: New Life Rule

Exception: When killed on the Warzone Island or at any cartel NLR will not apply.

Chapter 12: Interacting with Jailed players

Robbing, taking hostage or killing a jailed player is a bannable offence.

Want to host ArmA 3 Project Life?

Unfortunately, the official ArmA 3 Project Life is no longer available.

List of servers with permission (updated every 24hr)

BlockIsland.Life http://BlockIsland.Life ( 3 Project Germany (A3PG) Ficher Spain Group Server Name : #RSF Life Server # Life Roleplay ( Gaming ( Life

List of servers with Server File access

These servers are allowed to use Project Life's scripts (Server Files) on a public server#N#Granted that they also have permission (see list above).

What to do if a bank is robbed?

If the bank if being robbed, all available officers must do their jobs and attempting to capture the robber. Patrolling officers should immediately run to the bank to assist, petty crimes can be dropped during a bank robbery. The police should evacuate the civilians from the building during a robbery.

What happens if you raid your house?

If your house is raided and illegal items are found the police may confiscate the items. If whilst your house is being raided the police find firearms when you do not hold a firearms licence they may confiscate any firearms found on the premises.

Why are civilians arrested?

Civilians can be arrested/detained for looking in cops backpacks/vehicles. Civilians can be arrested for following cops in game in order to give away their position. Following and/or harassing cops for long periods of time is reasonable cause for the officer to jail you.

Why do police have checkpoints?

Checkpoints. Police are encouraged to set up checkpoints in strategic areas to help combat illegal activity and promote safety on the road. A checkpoint can not be set-up within 300m of an illegal area. Checkpoints may only be set-up on roads, but it does not have to be a crossroad.


In A3L, the main law enforcement branch is the Jackson County Sheriffs Office.


A Sheriffs Office is a constituted body of people empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder. Their powers include the legitimized use of force.


Patrol is the primary department of JCSO. Patrol is the first department all officers will join, and is where they will receive all their basic training as a cadet. Their main focus is to have a presence on the streets of Lakeside and keep its citizens safe. Patrol are trained in crowd control, securing crime scenes and a lot more.
