What did Rameck do that violated his probation? He stole a sweatshirt.
3. Rameck leads a peaceful demonstration to protest the lack of representation of African Americans in the U.S. history textbook and almost gets expelled from school.
What is the second lesson Rameck has to learn the hard way? The second lesson was: Not to let the wrong group of friends influence him.
The time in jail made Rameck realize that he had almost ruined his future. He saw how bad life in jail could be. He realized how much he wanted to be free. He did not want to be hopeless and resigned like the other people in jail.
Why is it hard for Rameck to tell his "boys" he doesn't want to do something? He doesn't want to look scared, stupid, or weak.
Rameck thought the academics (the learning part) was easy and made him bored. That is why he kept getting into trouble.
From the text: Even though I played around, I always knew I wanted to get married and have children after college. I wanted to have the perfect family I had always hoped for as a kid. I didn't ever want to inflict the insecurity of a broken homeβ like the childhood I'd hadβ on a child.
What changed Sampson's mind about selling drugs? They wanted the history curriculum to reflect minorities.