a writer, lawyer, and comedian would probably use which of gardner's kinds of intelligence the most

by Ms. Loraine Smitham DVM 8 min read

This is the intelligence of mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and logicians (Gardner, 1999a). Verbal-linguistic intelligence This is the most recognized intelligence in the learning and teaching of foreign languages. The reason is that it involves reading, writing, listening, and speaking (Morchio, 2004).

Full Answer

What is intelligence according to Howard Gardner?

According to Howard Gardner, intelligence means "the ability to learn, to solve problems". This can be done in multiple ways. Each person has developed other intelligences more strongly, leading to different kinds of cleverness.

What modalities should be part of Gardner's theory of intelligences?

There have been other modalities that have been proposed by those who are familiar with Gardner’s theory of intelligences, but he does not acknowledge that they should be part of his theory. This would include proposed modalities that include sexuality and reproduction, cooking or other specific vocational skills, and humor.

What is the difference between IQ tests and Gardner’s theory?

Gardner’s theory also tends to offer a low correlation between the different aspects of intelligence, whereas many psychometrics, such as an intelligence test, tend to find that there are high correlations between the different components of intelligence. The bottom line?

What is Gardner's teaching pedagogical intelligence?

The other modality that is being considered by Gardner is what he calls the Teaching Pedagogical intelligence. According to Gardner, this would be a modality which would allow someone to teach others in a successful way.

Which of the following is part of the generally accepted definition of intelligence?

The generally-accepted definition of intelligence includes the ability to. Act purposely. The core of intelligence consists of general mental abilities in the areas of reasoning, problem-solving, knowledge, memory, and successful adaptation to one's surroundings, which is called. The g-factor.

Which one of the following most accurately characterizes IQ scores?

Which one of the following most accurately characterizes IQ scores? The average score is 100, with more people getting scores near 100 and fewer people getting scores farther away. A number of test items unfairly penalize some individuals because of their backgrounds.

Which of the following is a group multiple aptitude test that was designed to predict one's chances of success in college and can also be used to estimate general intelligence?

the SAT is a multiple aptitude test. So are the American College Test (ACT) and the College Qualification Test (CQT). Each of these group tests is designed to predict your chances for success in college.

When one's mental age is the same as one's actual age in years then?

The test measures IQ Intelligence Quotient- mental age divided by chronological age(real age) times 100. If you are 12 years old(chronological age) and your mental abilities are the same as those who are 12 years old (mental age).

Which type of intelligence is most closely associated with persistence?

In other words, higher levels of Persistence were associated with higher levels of Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory and Full Scale IQ (details given in Table 2).

Which of the following is the best example of fluid intelligence?

Of the following, the best example of fluid intelligence is: The ability to quickly perceive logical relationships between words.

What is individual and group test?

Individual test: An individual test is administered by the researcher to one person at a time, while group tests can be administered to a large number of persons of the same time. In individual tests, the researcher administers the test face to face and remains seated before the test taker and notes down the responses.

What is general fluid intelligence?

Fluid intelligence (Gf) is defined as reasoning ability, and the ability to generate, transform, and manipulate different types of novel information in real time.

What is an example of an aptitude test?

The Graduate Requisite Exam (GRE), as well as the specialized tests required in order to get into medical (MCAT), law (LSAT), and business graduate programs, are also examples of multiple aptitude tests.

What will be the IQ of a 12 year old child whose mental age is 9 years?

Thus, if a 10-year-old child had a mental age of 12 (that is, performed on the test at the level of an average 12-year-old), the child was assigned an IQ of 12/10 × 100, or 120. If the 10-year-old had a mental age of 8, the child's IQ would be 8/10 × 100, or 80.

Which intelligence score takes a person's mental and chronological age into account?

intelligence quotient (IQ)An individual's mental age is then divided by his chronological age and multiplied by 100, yielding an intelligence quotient (IQ). Thus, a subject whose mental and chronological ages are identical has an IQ of 100, or average intelligence.

Can IQ be increased after 18?

Yes, your IQ can change over time. But [IQ] tests give you the same answer to a very substantial extent, even over a period of year. The older you are, the more stable your test score will be.

Who theorized that there are how many distinctly different kinds of intelligence?

Howard Gardner theorizes that there are how many distinctly different kinds of intelligence?

What is the IQ test?

Traditional IQ tests measure the real-world abilities of interpersonal, intrapersonal, and bodily-kinesthetic skills.

What is operational intelligence?

The operational definition of intelligence consists of the core aspects of intelligence, which are knowledge, reasoning, and memory.

Which tests are used to assess intellectual skills?

Today, almost every culture tends to value the intellectual skills assessed by the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests.

Who was the model in Rain Man?

Kim Peek, who died in 2009, was the model for Dustin Hoffman's character in the movie Rain Man. Although Kim had difficulty with abstract thinking and tests of general intelligence, he exhibited exceptional mental ability in memorizing books, zip codes, and classical music. Kim Peek had what is known as

What is the criticism of Gardner's theory?

Criticism. Gardner’s theory has come under criticism from both psychologists and educators. These critics argue that Gardner’s definition of intelligence is too broad and that his eight different "intelligences" simply represent talents, personality traits, and abilities. Gardner’s theory also suffers from a lack of supporting empirical research.

What is a person with musical intelligence?

People who have strong musical intelligence are good at thinking in patterns, rhythms, and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at musical composition and performance. 5 

How many intelligences are there?

Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences, and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth known as "existentialist intelligence." 1 

What is intelligence in psychology?

Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born with, something that can be measured, and a capacity that is difficult to change. In recent years, however, other views of intelligence have emerged. One such conception is the theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner . ...

What is a high kinesthetic intelligence?

Those who have high bodily- kinesthetic intelligence are said to be good at body movement, performing actions, and physical control. People who are strong in this area tend to have excellent hand-eye coordination and dexterity. 4 

Why do teachers use multiple intelligences?

Many teachers utilize multiple intelligences in their teaching philosophies and work to integrate Gardner’s theory into the classroom. 2 . Learning more about the multiple intelligences can help you better understand your own strengths.

What is interpersonal intelligence?

Interpersonal Intelligence. Those who have strong interpersonal intelligence are good at understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are skilled at assessing the emotions, motivations, desires, and intentions of those around them. 5 .

Which has a greater chance of being stored in long-term memory?

A short-term memory has a greater chance of being stored in long-term memory the more times it is

What does it mean when a child is a model of behavior when his parents are present?

A child who is a model of behavior when his parents are present, but who becomes uncontrollable when the babysitter arrives, is demonstrating

How Has Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Been Received?

The primary criticism of Gardner’s theory is that it doesn’t actually expand upon the definition of intelligence. It simple denies intelligence as it has been traditionally understood. Instead of an ability that someone has, the theory redefines it as a modality that may be partly inherited.

What did Gardner choose to show evidence of?

Gardner chose abilities that would show evidence of mental awareness or interaction that could be processed with a certain response. Each ability offers something specific that could be classified as intelligence on its own, or when combined with the other abilities, would show evidence of a potentially superior form of intelligence.

What is the other modality that Gardner calls teaching?

The other modality that is being considered by Gardner is what he calls the Teaching Pedagogical intelligence. According to Gardner, this would be a modality which would allow someone to teach others in a successful way.

Why is emotional intelligence so high?

This is because individuals equipped with this modality are particularly sensitive to the changing feelings, moods, and motivations that occur in the people who are around them.

What is the theory of multiple intelligences?

In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed that intelligence wasn’t just dominated by a single, generalized ability. Gardner felt that intelligence had to fulfill eight specific criteria. Then he chose eight different abilities that he felt would be able to meet the needs of that criteria.

What are the criteria that Gardner identified as needing to be fulfilled?

The eight criteria that Gardner identified as needing to be fulfilled included an individual awareness of their place in evolutionary history, the potential for brain isolation, core operations, a coding susceptibility, developmental progression that is distinctive in nature, the possibility of savants or prodigies, and psychological or psychometric findings.

What is a high modality person?

High modality individuals are also very sensitive to meter, tone, pitch and rhythm. They tend to be very hard on themselves for making an error and want melody and timbre to be as perfect as possible. They learn difficult concepts easily when they are set to music or melody. 2. Visual Spatial.

What is Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences?

The essence of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (MI) is that each person has eight types of intelligence.

What are some good career choices for a person with logical intelligence?

If your logical-mathematical intelligence is highly developed, good career choices include: Scientist, mathematician, computer programmer, engineer and accountant. 3. Visual-spatial; visual and spatial insight.

What is naturalistic intelligence?

Naturalistic is the most recent addition to Gardner’s theory and was opposed more than his original seven intelligences were. According to Howard Gardner, people who have high naturalistic intelligence are more in harmony with nature and are often interested in cherishing, exploring the environment and learning from others.

What does "intelligence" mean in education?

According to Howard Gardner, intelligence means "the ability to learn, to solve problems". This can be done in multiple ways. Each person has developed other intelligences more strongly, leading to different kinds of cleverness. With his theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner aims to emphasise that teachers must assess their student's learning ...

What are some good careers for a person with high physical kinaesthetic intelligence?

When your physical-kinaesthetic intelligence is highly developed, good career choices include: Dancer, building, sculptor and actor.

What are some good career choices for a linguistic-verbal person?

If your linguistic-verbal intelligence is highly developed, good career choices include: Writer/journalist, lawyer and teacher. 2. Logical-mathematical; analysing problems and mathematical operations.

What are some good careers for people with visual-spatial intelligence?

If your visual-spatial intelligence is highly developed, good career choices include: Architect, artist and engineer. 4. Musical-rhythmic; rhythm and music.