a lawyer will not say that you can hack and tell someone what to do. sorry

by Kaden Parisian 10 min read

What should I do if someone is hacking my Computer?

If someone is causing you grief or causing you or your computer intentional harm, report the abuse to the company handling the person's Internet connection or e-mail service. Attempting to hack the person or cause them grief is likely only going to escalate your problems.

What are the laws on hacking in the US?

While every state has computer crime laws, some states address hacking more specifically with laws that prohibit unauthorized access, computer trespass, and the use of viruses and malware. For example, approximately half of the states in the country have laws that target the use of denial of service (DoS) attacks.

Can a lawyer offer evidence that they know to be false?

They cannot ethically (or legally) offer evidence that they know to be false. (ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3.3.) This means, for example, that they can't allow their clients to commit perjury —that is, to testify to a version of events they know to be false.

Can any lawyer handle any problem?

“Many people assume that any lawyer can handle any problem,” attorney Jory Lange points out to Reader’s Digest. But like doctors, lawyers have specialties, and that’s where their talents and experience lie. “When you choose a lawyer, make sure they have experience with your type of case,” Lange advises.

Can I take legal action against hackers?

There is also a federal statute which prohibits hacking and unauthorized access. The federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”) is a criminal statute that also allows for private lawsuits upon violations.

Can someone hack your phone and listen to your calls?

It's also a common misconception that a phone can be hacked or that someone can listen to your phone calls just by knowing your phone number. This is not possible and is completely false.

Can hackers mirror your phone?

Specifically, attackers can leverage a compromised email and password combination connected to a Google account (such as username@gmail.com) to nefariously install a readily available message mirroring app on a victim's smartphone via Google Play.

What do I dial to see if my phone has been hacked?

After you discover your phone was hacked, you can take this number and file a police report. Just enter *#06# code utilizing the dialer pad on your device. Your IMEI number will appear, and there is a necessity to save this number in a secret place so nobody can know it.

Can you tell if your phone is being monitored?

If someone is spying on your phone, you may see your device's data usage increase, your phone may unexpectedly reboot or show signs of slowing down. You may also notice activity, such as your device's screen lighting up when it is in standby mode. You may also notice your device's battery life suddenly decreasing.

How do you know if my phone calls are being recorded?

Type "history.google.com/history" into your web browser. On the lefthand menu, click 'Activity controls'. Scroll down to the 'Voice & Audio activity' section and click that. There you'll find a chronological list of all the voice and audio recordings which will include any recorded without you knowing.

Is someone watching me from my phone?

The following signs may indicate that someone is using your phone's camera to watch you: Suspicious background apps. Camera misbehaving. Odd files and inexplicably low storage space.

Can someone hack my WhatsApp?

WhatsApp doesn't need it. It connects to your cellphone number, so you'll appear to the other users under the same name they assigned you in their contacts list. Unfortunately, hackers can infiltrate your WhatsApp account.

Can a phone be hacked if it is turned off?

Can a phone be hacked while turned off? The short answer is no, your phone cannot be hacked while it's turned off. Phone hacking, even remotely, only works if the device being targeted is on.

What happens if you dial *# 21?

We rate the claim that dialing *#21# on an iPhone or Android device reveals if a phone has been tapped FALSE because it is not supported by our research.

What is the use of * * 4636 * *?

Android code: *#*#4636#*#* This code will open up a menu that shows information about your phone's data usages.

What does ## 002 do to your phone?

Code ##002#: To Undo Redirection and Diversion It switches off any form of hidden redirection away from your smartphone. Pro Tip: If you want to use the roaming feature on your phone, it's a good idea to use this code before you do so.

If I Hack A Large Company, Wouldn't I Become Famous?

Although hackers like Kevin Mitnick and John Draper (aka Cap'n Crunch) have gained notoriety from hacking in the past, most hackers are never famou...

I Lost My Password and Need to Hack My E-Mail, Router, Or computer.

Apart from the solutions listed on Computer Hope for retrieving or bypassing BIOS passwords, operating system passwords, and some application passw...

I Need to Hack Someone Because They Hacked Or Scammed me.

If someone is causing you grief or causing you or your computer intentional harm, you should report the abuse to the company handling the person's...

I Need to Hack My Spouse's Computer to See If They Are Cheating.

Relationships are built on trust and communication. If you believe your spouse or partner is cheating on you, confront him or her regarding the iss...

I Want to Learn to Hack So I Can Know More About The computer.

You do not need to learn to be a hacker to learn more about the computer. If you want to learn more about computers, networks, and security, there...

I Need to Hack A Computer to Gain Access to Something I Cannot Access.

If you are blocked from particular sites or services on the Internet, it is probably for a good reason. Attempting to break or bypass those protect...

Can't I Make Money from Hacking?

Some hackers have been able to scam people and companies out of money. However, when caught (and you'll eventually get caught), you'll end up owing...

How to get a good lawyer to take your case?

“If you want to improve your chances of securing the best lawyer to take your case, you need to prepare before you meet them,” advises attorney Stephen Babcock. “Get your story, facts, and proof together well before your first meeting.” This not only ensures that you understand your own needs, but it helps a good lawyer to ascertain whether he or she can actually help you. “We want the best clients too. Proving you’re organized and reliable helps us.”

Why is it important to approach a lawyer with honesty?

“ Winning cases can be lost because of a client who lies or exaggerates just as easily as because of a lawyer who tells the client what the client wants to hear instead of what is true.” So when dealing with attorneys, don’t just look for honesty—be honest.

Do you need a lawyer to write a demand letter?

On reading a demand letter, the other person will often say, “this isn’t worth the trouble” and they quickly settle. But here’s a secret from Knight: You don’t need a lawyer to write a demand letter. You can do it yourself. Just make it look as formal as possible, and you may find your dispute goes away—no charge to you.

Can you appeal a disability denial?

If you feel helpless when faced with an insurance denial, please know that you might be able to appeal with the help of a qualified lawyer, says David Himelfarb, attorney. Insurance companies routinely deny long-term disability claims, for example, particularly because it’s assumed that most people don’t have access to reputable attorneys to challenge the denial. “This is where intricate knowledge of the legal and insurance process, as well as the right team of experts to prove the claim, can reverse the odds.”

Should a lawyer stay out of court?

In fact, a lawyer should try to stay out of court. “In my experience, a good lawyer always finds every opportunity to keep a case from being decided by a judge, and only relents on trying a case before the bench when all alternatives have been exhausted,” attorney, Jason Cruz says.

How to prevent hacking and taps?

No matter what type of phone you use, there are steps you can take to prevent hacks and taps: Create a password to use on your phone. This is easy on most smartphones, and will usually stop someone who steals your device from easily accessing your data.

Can you hack into a cell phone?

This is primarily a problem for mobile or cell phones. Like email hacking, someone can obtain information stored on your cell phone, such as your voicemail records, without your permission. This can be done by: accessing your account using your password, which you may have shared with the hacker.

What happens if you get caught hacking?

However, when caught (and you will eventually get caught), you'll end up owing more than you'll ever make. You'd be a lot more successful and earn a lot more money in learning a computer skill, such as computer programming, web development, or becoming a white hat than you would with hacking.

Why do I need to hack a computer?

I need to hack a computer to gain access to something I cannot access. If you are blocked from particular sites or services on the Internet , it is probably for a good reason. Attempting to break or bypass those protective measures is only going to cause you additional trouble when caught.

Why is hacking your network important?

Hacking your network helps you learn how to hack and teaches you how to defend from hackers, which is a valuable skill needed by businesses . Also, we recommend taking a training course on ethical hacking can assist you in getting a computer security-related job.

Why do hackers become famous?

If a hacker does become famous, it's because they're in court, going to prison, or because they're running from the law. If you're a malicious hacker, it's more likely you would want to remain anonymous than become famous.

What to do if someone is causing you grief?

If someone is causing you grief or causing you or your computer intentional harm, report the abuse to the company handling the person's Internet connection or e-mail service. Attempting to hack the person or cause them grief is likely only going to escalate your problems.

Is it illegal to spy on your spouse?

Finally, even though you may be spying or hacking a spouse, it's still considered illegal, and if caught by your spouse or someone else, you could be convicted of a crime.

Can you hack a computer to see protected information?

Hacking a computer to view or steal protected information does not resolve anything and only causes further issues, such as being fined or sent to prison. Instead of doing anything illegal, learn an alternative operating system (e.g., Linux ), set up computer networks, read security news, and learn a programming language.

What does Heidi tell her lawyer about the drugs?

Heidi tells her lawyer that the drugs belonged to her , and that she bought them for the first time during a period of great stress in her life, just after she lost her job. Heidi authorizes her lawyer to reveal this information to the D.A., hoping to achieve a favorable plea bargain.

What is the relationship between a lawyer and a client?

The most basic principle underlying the lawyer-client relationship is that lawyer-client communications are privileged, or confidential. This means that lawyers cannot reveal clients' oral or written statements (nor lawyers' own statements to clients) to anyone, including prosecutors, employers, friends, or family members, ...

What happens if you bring a stranger into a meeting?

Defendants who bring strangers (people who are not part of the attorney-client relationship) into a meeting risk losing the right to claim that the meeting was confidential. This means that the D.A. might be able to ask the stranger or even the defendant about what was said during the meeting.

What is Benny Wilson charged with?

Example: Benny Wilson is charged with possession of stolen merchandise. The day after discussing the case with his lawyer, Benny discusses it with a neighbor. As long as Benny does not say something to his neighbor like, "Here's what I told my lawyer yesterday…," the attorney-client communications remain confidential.

Is Heidi's statement to the D.A. confidential?

Heidi authorized her lawyer to reveal her confidential statement to the D.A. But a statement made for the purpose of plea bargaining is also generally confidential, so the D.A. cannot refer to it at trial. Example: Same case. Soon after her arrest, Heidi speaks to her mother in jail.

Is a lawyer's client's communication confidential?

Lawyer-client communications are confidential only if they are made in a context where it would be reasonable to expect that they would remain confidential. ( Katz v. U.S., U.S. Sup. Ct. 1967.)

Can a prisoner testify to a lawyer?

If a jailer monitors a phone call and overhears a prisoner make a damaging admission to the prisoner's lawyer, the jailer can probably testify to the defendant's statement in court.

What happens if you don't pay your lawyer?

If you don't pay your lawyer on the day of trial, or however you have agreed to, then while he or she may be obligated by other ethical duties to do his/her best, they won't be motivated by sympathy for you, and it will show in court.

What to do if your lawyer doubts you?

Tell the Truth. If your lawyer doubts you in the consultation, or doesn't think you have a case, while that may change over time, getting over an initial disbelief is very hard. You have to prove your case. Your attorney is not your witness. They are your advocate - but you are responsible for coming up with proof.

Why do people hire lawyers?

Most people hired attorneys because they don't want to sit in court. Well, truth be told, neither do I. The difference between lawyer and client is that the lawyer expects it to take a long time and understands. The client typically thinks it's unjustified. So, your hard truth is that each case takes time. Be patient.

Why is credibility important in court?

Credibility is one of the most important things in this world - and most important in a courtroom. If you care enough only to wear sweats to the courthouse, then the judge will see that you don't care, and that will be reflected in their desire to help you, listen to you, and decide in your favor. Step it up.

What to say when a judge can see your boobs?

If the judge can see your boobs, he's not listening to your story. If I can see your boobs, then I know you didn't care enough about yourself to talk to an attorney. Dress like you are going to church. Credibility is one of the most important things in this world - and most important in a courtroom.

What to do if no one can confirm a story is true?

If no one can confirm that the story is true, you will at least need something external, such as a hard copy document, to prove your case. Be prepared.

Can a lawyer take your money?

While lawyers can certainly take your money and your time and we can file a case that will be very hard to win, if you don't care enough about your life to get a contract, the judge is not very likely to be on your side. At least, not automatically. Oral contracts are extremely hard to prove. What are the terms.

Why don't defense lawyers want to know what the client did?

Some defense lawyers don't want to know what the client did and didn't do, so as to avoid being boxed into a particular version of events. Those who don't want to know precisely what happened probably have in mind ethical constraints. They cannot ethically (or legally) offer evidence that they know to be false.

What do lawyers want to hear?

On the other hand, many lawyers want to hear from their clients exactly what happened. They typically encourage their clients to be truthful for the sake of crafting an effective defense. Only that way can the defense attorney know what will—and won't—work. For example, a lawyer representing a woman charged with killing her boyfriend might want to know everything that happened both during the incident and throughout the course of the relationship. If the client admits to her lawyer that she killed the man, but describes tremendous physical and emotional trauma she previously suffered at his hands, the lawyer may be able to present a convincing defense based on the history of abuse.

What is the duty of a defense attorney?

A Lawyer's Duty. A defendant admission of guilt to a defense attorney doesn't necessarily mean that the case won't—or shouldn't—go to trial. For example, a defense attorney might advise a "guilty" client to go to trial because: the police or prosecution violated the client's rights—for instance, through an improperly suggestive lineup.

What does an attorney need to know about a case?

An attorney needs to know about the case in at least some detail. Otherwise, the lawyer can't effectively advise the client about the viability of going to trial and any theories of defense (for example, self-defense or someone else being responsible). With the client's information and the prosecution's discovery, ...

What is an example of a criminal prosecution violating the client's rights?

the defendant is guilty only of lesser crimes that the prosecution has charged—for example, assault, but not assault with intent to commit great bodily injury.

What is the best strategy for someone facing criminal charges?

The best strategy for someone facing criminal charges is to follow the lead of an experienced, trusted criminal defense lawyer, and no matter, to be truthful with that lawyer. An attorney who has your best interests in mind will advise you regarding the possibilities and your best course of action. Talk to a Lawyer.

Is the internet secure?

The Internet is not necessarily secure and emails sent through this site could be intercepted or read by third parties. At some point, defendants and their attorneys inevitably discuss the facts underlying criminal charges. An attorney needs to know about the case in at least some detail.

Can you report a man who is romantically involved with his client?

If you have proof proof, not suspicion that he is romantically involved with his client, you could report him to the California State Bar Association, as that is an ethical violation. Don't threaten to report him, as that would be wrong, but you have the right to report him for such wrongdoing.

Can an attorney use threats against someone?

An attorney cannot use threats against someone to gain an advantage in a civil matter. However, the attorney can warn that person that he is about to file a lawsuit to resolve a matter.

Can an attorney write a demand letter?

It is permissible for an attorney to write a demand letter and say that he will file suit if you don't pay the demand, but after that, he ought to just sue or shut up. You don't have to meet him personally, and you probably should not. If you have proof proof, not suspicion that he is romantically involved with his client, you could report him to the California State Bar Association, as that is an ethical violation. Don't threaten to report him, as that would be wrong, but you have the right to report him for such wrongdoing. You can also hire an attorney to represent you in this matter, and that will put a stop from the attorney's contacting you at all. Good luck.

Is an in person meeting a good way to resolve a dispute?

Sometimes an in-person meeting is a good way of resolving disputes without resorting to a lawsuit. That being said, in the situation you describe, the aggrieved party should at least consult with an attorney to go over the specifics, the background, the evidence and then options and recommendations. It will be worth the cost of the consultation fee.

Is it unethical to threaten a lawsuit?

It is not unethical to threaten a lawsuit if you refuse to negotiate a settlement. You, or whoever is receiving the message should offer to consider any demands, but let the lawyer know you are uncomfortable meeting, if you are. If the lawyer becomes uncivil, or threatens action he knows he cannot take, such as threatening criminal charges, that would be unethical.